chapter 4

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Hmm since they have Naruto or my soon- to be bride I have to get everything I need in case we do anything and I guess I have to kidnap him so I guess I will send some one to find naru-chan and I guess I will set him in my room so I need a list dracula said as he walked to his drawer he then called his assistant Alex yes sir said Alex I want you to go and spy on naru-chan and don't get caught he said seriously then Alex nodded and left and dracula shouted BRING HIM BACK ALSO and he said okay sir a voice dracula can hear dracula then said I will make sure he does not die also by turning him into a vampire I just need to call memma MEMMA shouted dracula Yes!!? Shouted memma (flashback to when memma was born) so dracula then saw Naruto drinking so dracula thought he was drunk so which naruto was so Dracula picked naruto up and placed him in his house because dracula teleported and he took naruto's clothes off and they had sex ( it's confusing how but bear with me) and he named him memma flash back done) (209 words🛐)

Naruto x yandere!count dracula Where stories live. Discover now