chapter 17

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Alex then said naruto escaped he is no where to be found! Dracula then felt rage he said if anyone gets him he will start a war but this causes somthing else it meant actual war and he will make sure this person who kidnapped his naru will pay and dracula had something else in mind for his blond naru🍥🍥🍥(naruto's pov) I finally escaped from that hell house I only was acting but he believed it what a fool he is crazy if he thinks I Will go with him hahaha time to mask my charka)🍡🍡🍡(tsunde's pov) Naruto hasn't came back not after that wrong move I hope he comes back he has many people going after him his trainer missed him but he is afraid he won't come back either she then sighs and walks away from her office) (and done your welcome 🥵🍡🍥 157 words)

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