Chapter 9: A Filled Mind

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      "So... you wouldn't mind if I come over more often?" Jungkook asked and looked at Jimin with such a caring stare. The way he looked at Jimin embodied many tales of sincerity, comfort, but it also masked many things as well. Many things Jimin had no idea about. However, for this very moment, Jimin was beginning to feel warmer in the presence of another even if Jungkook wasn't a human being.

      "Well, we are friends now... and I don't have an issue with that at all," Jimin continued and finally looked at the android in his blue eyes before looking away the next second; constantly trying to look his new friend in the eyes longer than he normally would. In a way, he found this as an opportunity to beat through his anxiety, however, he did find it difficult to face it if Jungkook had no plans on going out as the introverted robot he was.

      "I'm so glad we're friends. I don't have any friends, I just have a roommate... but even then I spend most of my time alone... alone in my thoughts...." Jungkook confessed and noticed how Jimin raised a brow after he said those words.

      "Alone in your thoughts? Is that even possible?"

      "What.... Do you mean?" Jungkook asked curiously as Jimin only smiled and shook his head.

      "Robots are programmed to act human... but they are incapable of thinking on their own..." Jimin mentioned that Jungkook's eyes blew wide. "I enjoy the idea that you can think, but you and I both know it's not possible. Your creator made you all the same in that aspect."

      "Hoseok must have made all of these robots too, right?" the young android asked himself in his own head and finally looked away from Jimin's beautiful face. "Then why am I so different and locked up all of the time?"

     The robot then took a moment to process Jimin's words, yet, he couldn't seem to understand that he alone was different from the rest. The young android was one of a kind, yet, he strayed away from the idea and hoped to fit in perfectly just so he wouldn't be acknowledged by the crowd, but to Jimin, he stuck out like a darker shade in a pool of bright pastels.

     "I think I'm going to enjoy the fact that you don't like to go out too... I tend to fight with my other friend, who is an extroverted android, about staying home but he doesn't like the idea."

      "Well we are different, so he may say something about this, but I wouldn't. I'm on the same page as you," Jungkook continued and finally found himself looking back at Jimin once again.

      "He can't stop staring at me... for an introverted robot, he does like to observe with those blue round eyes of his," Jimin found himself thinking the second he kept taking quick notes of Jungkook looking into his eyes constantly.

     In fact, Jimin couldn't tell if there was a second where Jungkook wouldn't look away. Jeon Jungkook was so invested in what Jimin had to say that he couldn't even dare to look away for more than a second! Jungkook gave Jimin all the attention he never knew he secretly wanted and that caused Jimin to smile to himself and long to continue the conversation. No longer having fearing what to say next.

      As hours slipped by and the day was coming to an end, Jimin remained sitting on the opposite couch from Jungkook and continued the conversation. He was surprised Jungkook wasn't out of energy already, but he didn't want to complain. It was the idea of having so much to say, but also feeling as if he didn't say enough, that was constantly brushing over Jimin endlessly. He wanted to know so much more about this robot, but after every response he would share, it would still leave Jimin wanting to know more. Even if Jimin wouldn't act this way out of fear of making the other uncomfortable, his curiosity doubled when it came to meeting this robot for the first time. There were things he was dying to know.

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