Chapter 53: The Bad Apple

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    "You don't know what you're talking about..." Hoseok hissed under his breath. In fact, he knew Jungkook was a problem and he wanted nothing more than to get rid of him. Yet, when he tried to confess that Seokjin was right, he was held back by the side that cared so much about this android. Even if Jungkook told him that the love he gave to the creation wasn't real, Hoseok cried that day. He cried and was still haunted by those words. That side of him that has always loved and cared about the unpredictable creation was still there, not showing too much, but it still stood out for Jungkook.

      "Really? So the whole time you've been living here with Jeon Jungkook, you're going to tell me once that he has never harmed you or a living person?"

      "No, he hasn't. He's been well behaved and very respectful-"

        "So, he hasn't harmed a fly? You must be kidding me," Seokjin replied into a chuckle. "After harming Kim Namjoon in the department long ago, he suddenly learned from his mistakes and didn't harm another soul directly after you took him away?"


       "We built that android, Jung Hoseok. You and I both know him very well, there are flaws in that creation, you and I know Jungkook contains the flaws of every human being. Don't lie to me saying that Jeon Jungkook is such an innocent creation!" Seokjin raised his voice. Something Hoseok has never enjoyed hearing even before when an experiment wouldn't work. His eyes gleamed at the sight of his visibly upset partner in crime and the idea of losing Jungkook right at this moment left him feeling weak. After all this time, his need to protect the creation suddenly jumped out and refused to go away even when the memory of Jungkook whispering a death threat longed to repeat on his head like a broken record.

      "He has his flaws just like any other person out there! You and I both have our mistakes, every human does and we learn to live with it! Why can't we just agree that it's okay if there's a flaw within a creation? I've had my differences with him before and I admit, some part of me wants him gone... but... but the other side of me, the side of me that lit up the second he was first made, still sticks with me to this day and shows right at this moment. Jeon Jungkook isn't perfect and he doesn't need to be!"

       "Cute... honestly, I don't know a better twist than this moment right here. Of course, I should have expected it... you picked this android over me. You gave up your whole life with me just for this imperfect creation. We could have done so much together, but there was a setback in our plans the second you left me. Doesn't it bother you that you left everything behind for something like that? Doesn't it bother you... that you left me... behind? That... that creation is flawed, Jung Hoseok. You can't have any love for an abomination like that."

      "Seokjin... I don't see it that way. I know Jungkook has potential. I didn't want to lose you but I couldn't let Jungkook be scrapped! Don't be so cruel, you can't see what I see... Jungkook isn't perfect, but he behaves to things all on his own! You should see him, he has his own thoughts, he comes up with things out of nowhere and although he's unpredictable, he doesn't hold any malice in his heart! Seokjin, you have to see it for yourself! He's one of a kind and-"

      "A heart?"

      "It's... i-it's an artificial heart...."

      "Hoseok..." Seokjin whispered before letting out a chuckle and pinching the beginning of his nose bridge just underneath his glasses. "You've been feeding into his obsession, haven't you? No wonder he hasn't been crazy towards you, this thing will only harm you if he doesn't get what he wants! Haven't you learned how envious he can be? When he gets close to a human he envies, it only ends with him harming the human. He plays on the fact that he can love too, when in reality, it's all bullshit! That's how most of the people in the department got injured! That's how Namjoon was injured! Jungkook pretended to love him to get closer and only then, he became too obsessed to the point where he wanted to BE him! You know this so well, he gets aggressive when he can't have something he wants! You can't sit there and tell me he hasn't harmed you once! Don't lie, Hoseok... you can lie to others... but not to me..."

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