Chapter 54: Something in the Air~

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      Tears escaped Hoseok's eyes the second he watched Seokjin pace further and further away from him. When Seokjin left the house, the weight of the situation finally dropped onto his shoulders as if it was the end of the world, his world. He couldn't focus on anything else other than the thought of Seokjin and the decision he was given. In that very moment, tears raced from Hoseok's eyes and his body only longed to curl in so he could hug his knees and hide from his responsibilities. Yet, he stood there, in endless tears at the way all those memories of working with his partner in crime, came back to him and left him the second Seokjin stepped out of the house. Just like that.

      Hoseok held the hand that kept Seokjin's grasp within his own when he begged him to stay. Thinking back at those words he was told when he did so, how Jungkook's manipulative acts rubbed off on him, was what caused Hoseok's tears to run down his face even more. He leaned against the frame of the entry to the kitchen in hopes of collecting himself, but it was no use, he found it difficult to avoid the stress he was put under. The constant fight between himself when it came to reporting Jungkook and getting it over with, clashed with the one that saw Jungkook as a good little creation that was misguided from the very start.

      There, Taehyung stood up and approached the emotional human before wrapping his arms around him to give the man a hug. Bringing him into his arms while Hoseok remained silencing his sobs all when he continued to hug himself through it all.

      At the same time, Jimin laid on the couch, allowing the faint sunlight to highlight the palm of his hand when he had it set over the couch, catching the light in his hands. After eating, the boy laid there watching anything on the television as his mind also imagined how much fun he would have once Saturday came around. He knew that Jungkook would take him to the beach and only after, he would hang out with Namjoon for the night. It was a hassle to get Jungkook on the same page as him, but it also led him to find out something he's never seen from his partner before.

      While Jimin laid there watching yet another soap opera after cooking with Jungkook, the android stepped in after cleaning up the kitchen and just looked at Jimin from afar. There was never a moment where he couldn't stop thinking of all the things that left him guilty. As he continued to watch Jimin, the familiar chill raced down his spine and left the human frozen in place. In seconds, he almost believed the stalker had returned to feast it's eyes on the human once again. But before Jimin knew it, he turned around to see that it was Jungkook staring at him.

      "Oh... it's you..." Jimin whispered and turned away just to drop his head against the small throw pillow sitting on the couch. "Jungkook, stop staring at me like that, it's creepy..."

       "I was only looking," Jungkook replied and walked forward until he sat on the ground before the couch, running his hand along his own hair before turning around to look into the windows of Jimin's soul again with those bone-chilling blue ocean eyes. "Jimin, I have a question about humans."

      "Alright, ask away."

       "How do you know if you feel guilty or not? What confirms it for you?" Jungkook asked and never pulled his gaze away from his partner. He was desperate to know the answer. Once he asked that question, Jimin only shut off the television and gave Jungkook all of his attention.

       "Well, it's different for everyone. I know I feel guilty when I think about something I did, longer than I normally would. It's those things that hang around longer in your head to the point where you begin to think that maybe you were out of place," Jimin mentioned and raised his hand slowly to run his fingers through Jungkook's hair. "Are you just curious? Is that why you're asking?"

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