Chapter 70: A Change of Heart

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"Do you know... the pain I've felt for such a long time? Being alone for so long leaves scars. Countless and deep scars you just can't get rid of. You didn't have the chance to become that lonely man but I have. No one came to save me.. I waited for Hoseok to return to me but he came back to this scrap piece of disaster! HE CHOSE HIM OVER ME AND I NEVER KNEW HOW MUCH I LOATHED THE DAY I MADE HIM!" Seokjin lashed out and kept his wide eyes locked onto the boy being held by his past lover.

At that very moment, Jimin listened. He found that Seokjin was similar to him in some way, he just couldn't help but to feel sorry for the man. He always believed Seokjin would be the last person in this world to feel lonely due to how loved he was by the whole world. However, behind closed doors, he was the loneliest man alive.

"Seokjin, I know how you feel. Even if I didn't live through it... I know what it's like to love someone and lose them the next. Being alone... doesn't need to be forever, I lived through that too. Just... maybe not in your definition of being alone but I can say that I've been in a similar position," Jimin continued while Seokjin couldn't dare to pull his gaze away from the boy.

"You... you don't know what I'm talking about, you had Jungkook save you from yourself, who's going to save me? No one is... I'm going to stay alone whether I do this or not!" Seokjin continued. Turning around to face Jungkook's body. "He took everything from me... my time, the space in my thoughts and my best friend. If I let him go, Hoseok will never return to me but if I take him apart, Hoseok will have to return to me... he just has to and only then I will never think of being alone in my office ever again."

"How can you be so sure?" Jimin continued to ask. He knew at this point he was stalling, but he was also hoping to connect such familiar pieces to the puzzle of Seokjin's mind. He was there before and he knew Seokjin was only a confused man when it came to finding out who to blame for why he was so alone at the end of every day.

"What are you talking about? Of course I'm sure of this! Hoseok will return to me..."

"No, that can't be true," whispered the boy. Constantly fighting back his tears each time they threatened to fall at the sound of Seokjin's intentions. "If you take... J-Jungkook away, what will happen if Hoseok doesn't return to you? What will happen then? Will you just take Jungkook apart for no reason?"

"No, because there is a reason for that too. Jungkook is a dangerous and unpredictable creation. Even if Hoseok runs far away from me after I do this, I will be at ease knowing that Jungkook will no longer play a thought in my mind that keeps me up every night. That horrifying thought that he can kill anyone he longs to envy and then harm."

At that moment tears began to race from Jimin's face once again. The boy tried his best to hold them back and to listen to Seokin, but he couldn't when the creator knew nothing about how perfect Jungkook was in his eyes. "You... you don't... you don't know Jungkook! You think you do but you don't! You're only jealous of the fact that Hoseok left him for you! I know being alone is too much to handle at times but that doesn't mean you could take apart something you and Hoseok worked so hard on. Jungkook changed, he really has! It's written all over that journal, Hoseok told me so and I can vouch for Jungkook... his memories only contain me. Do I need to keep begging?"

Seokjin was now silent, his eyes fixed onto the journal he held and bounced up to Jimin's tears falling from his gaze. He didn't want to let Jungkook go, he also didn't want to admit that he blamed the robot for his solitude if Hoseok was the one who decided at the very end of the day. Who was he to become the cause of someone else losing something so precious in their life? He was confused once more as he debated and weighed out his options right there.

"Please... don't take him away from me... you don't know how great of a creation he is. I... I don't know... if Hoseok will stay with you if you don't carry on with this but I know for sure that he won't despise you from letting him go. Hoseok cares about Jungkook and if you go against him in a way to win him back, you won't succeed."

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