Chapter 68: Only for You

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Air thickened and his heart raced. Jimin slid down the wall within the bathroom stall as he tried to sort out his fears at that very second. By now, he was steadying his breathing, but it all became too much for him. Suddenly, he swung open the door to the stall and caught the attention of Namjoon almost instantly.

"Jimin, are you alright?" Namjoon asked, watching the human breathe heavily and try to steady everything and remain calm, yet, he failed at it every time. Just then, the man approached him and began to breathe in and out in hopes that Jimin would follow in sync. "Breathe in... and breathe out..."

Jimin couldn't focus as he watched Namjoon slowly set him down to sit and press his back against the wall. At that moment, one of the Androids standing and conversing with a few people, approached and crouched down to the level of his eyes and looked at him.

"This will go away before you know it... for the meantime, name five things you can see, hear, or feel..." the android mentioned, looking into Jimin's eyes with his blue stare that reminded him so much of his partner. Jimin followed instructions, breathing and distracting himself with the questions he was given. In a moment like this, he recalled Jungkook doing the same thing for him, calming him down when he needed it the most.

As Jimin went on, distracting himself and comforting all thoughts with the help of this stranger and Namjoon, in a matter of five minutes, he was able to breathe normally and all the fears finally left him alone for now. He pressed his head against the wall and let out a sigh, not picking up any words to process while Namjoon thanked the android that walked Jimin through it. He just didn't know how much Jimin would worry over an android.

"Jimin, I'll take you home..." Namjoon's voice suddenly spoke out of the muffled noises Jimin heard. Calling out to him and being the only thing Jimin would hear through the noise.

"We... we have to get out of here, now... we have to hurry..." Jimin whispered as he stood up and looked towards the door that hid under a bright and flashy exit sign. "Take me home now..."

"Jimin, calm down, there's no reason to rush! I'll take you home right now-"

"No, you don't understand! He needs me! We have to go now!" Jimin continued, becoming hysterical in just seconds. As he went on, he tried his best to soothe all thoughts before the situation would take over him once again, he didn't want to lose himself and become weak especially in a moment like this.

Namjoon could see the tears threatening to fall from his eyes when he said those words. In fact, he couldn't really tell why Jimin wanted to leave so badly, but without another word being said, he knew that Jimin had this type of fear, this type of fear that was something that scared him more than being seen by a lot of people at once in a club like this. This was a fear that he had only lived through once and feared to go through it once again. He absolutely hated just the idea of it that it scared him just like this.

At the same time, Seokjin paced around Jungkook's shirtless body at the center of the surgical table. The android laid faced down as his face was pointed towards one side of the room. Within this grim space, Hoseok used to fix Jungkook and give him so many upgrades before and now, was going to be the last room he would ever have anything done to him. Seokjin looked at Jungkook's form and recalled the very first time he brought Jungkook into this world with just a spark of a wire being connected to the next. It was true that he brought many things to life, but nothing as complicated and charming as this one. He knew Jungkook was different and he knew Jungkook was something he had never seen before, but he was so sure that this creation would only cause harm because he was something humans couldn't comprehend and of course, his unpredictable behavior also played a part in this.

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