Chapter 18: Lost In You

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    Jimin could hear a quick knock echoing through the walls of his empty home. His eyes blew wide and his heart raced at the sound of it and all he could do was tremble in place.

     "Is that Jungkook?" Jimin quickly asked himself as his heart eased at the idea. "It has to be him..." Jimin continued and remained laying there until he heard his phone vibrate right by his side. That alone caused him to flinch and quickly look to the side where the caller ID displayed that Jungkook was calling. "Oh, thank goodness..."

     "Jimin, I'm here," Jungkook said into the call once he was sure he could hear Jimin's voice through the line.

      "Jungkook... I feel so bad that I made you walk over here at this hour..." Jimin whispered and walked down the hallway where he could see Jungkook's figure outlined on the curtains. "I owe you..."

     "No you don't, now, open the door," Jungkook replied and the second Jimin opened the door, his tired eyes met with the android standing right before him. "You don't owe me a thing..."

      Jimin watched as Jungkook set his hand down and stepped into his home that late into the early morning. There was nothing surrounding his mind but the ongoing thought of how Jungkook still failed to pick up the high frequency, was enough to float on in Jimin's mind. However, he knew he couldn't hold this against Jungkook since the android himself was indeed different from the rest. So, Jimin had no other reason to pick at this idea any further.

      "I feel selfish..." Jimin continued on and walked towards the hallway as Jungkook followed in behind him.

     "Don't be! I suggested this, so don't feel bad," Jungkook assured the young man as he finally caught up to Jimin and walked right by his side. "I understand if you're feeling a little nervous, it's okay. I'm here now."

      "Jungkook, I don't want to keep relying on you," the human rambled on as he stepped into the room he felt eyes latch onto him before. But now, the torture was over and needles didn't tend to poke at his skin continuously. How odd.

      "It doesn't bother me. Like I said before, I don't do much, Jimin. Being here for you... gives me purpose. I like being here for you."

     Jungkook's promising words left Jimin to stand in place at the center of the room while his cheeks grew red and his thoughts became all fuzzy. For that split second, the fears that once haunted him, suddenly went away as if they never existed. Like leaves being swept up in the wind, Jimin just couldn't remain in one place and was taken to another land once Jungkook's words eased all his worries.

      "Also, I didn't detect anyone else here... did you feel like you were being watched up until I was at your door?"

      "N-No... I... I felt as if I was being watched until our conversation over the phone ended. I didn't realize when it stopped... but it was almost as if it listened to our conversation and finished the second I ended the call with you," Jimin claimed. Slowly, he crawled onto the bed and laid back to let out a relieved sigh right after. "But now that you're here... I'm glad I don't have to suffer another night of that feeling... I don't know what it is, should I install cameras?"

      "Maybe you're just being paranoid," Jungkook quickly dismissed that idea and sat right at the end of the bed to look at Jimin with his comforting gaze right after; his comforting, yet, mysterious blue gaze always left Jimin wondering if he should run or stay right where he wanted him to be. "Lack of sleep causes the human mind to see things that shouldn't be there. When was the last time you've gotten proper sleep?"

    That was a good question Jimin had never thought of asking himself before. It has been weeks after Jimin had to force himself to move on from Yoongi and so, he has been alone in this bed for not too long. Endless nights of countless thoughts kept him up past his bedtime, but none of them carried the idea of being watched before. The tortuous gaze detection that followed Jimin's every move and breathing as he slept, never happened before and this only left the human confused and worried.

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