Chapter 36: Attached~

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Those beautiful words whispered into the human's ear during the heat of the moment made Jimin realize that this was what Jungkook mentioned before. An android's attachment could be formed so easily through the passionate touch and intimate whispers of pleasure. Jimin acknowledged it, but couldn't dare to keep it in mind longer when Jungkook was against his ear, whispering naughty words mixed into sweet promises that somehow became something Jimin adored to hear.

Breathless the human became, gasping sharply and slightly moving his hips to the constant rhythm Jungkook kept. Jimin tried it all; he tried all the ways to avoid reaching his end so soon and longed for so much more, however, he was nothing like Jungkook. The android had all the power to keep going for as long as his energy could carry him, but not like any other living human out there. Jimin was limited and that's what made the human long to measure up to the creation for a few seconds longer.

"I know you're... ah, you're holding it in..." Jungkook whispered into his raspy groans and kept Jimin's hands pinned against the bed, thrusting at the same pace he knew that could push Jimin to his end. "Don't do it~ I want to see you... ah~ I want to hear you..." Jungkook whispered into a demanding growl as his hips sank further into his thrusts until Jimin couldn't control himself. Jungkook could already tell that this was Park Jimin's weakness.

"JUNGKOOK! AH-" Jimin moaned loudly and pressed his head against the pillow until his body released any tension within his muscles. At that moment, even he knew he couldn't go on any further. Within seconds Jimin's hips jolted upwards against Jungkook's and finally came.

Jungkook felt Jimin's cum squirt out from his tip and splatter against their torsos right after. His breathing eased and his body trembled. The sight of the human within the Android's gaze just never seemed to let him down at all. Jungkook made a smirk at the sight of Jimin desperately trying to catch his breath as his hands only clung onto the Android's grasp right at that second. Even then, their hearts still pounded in sync.

"Ah... Ah~" Jungkook noticed even he himself became breathless right after. Allowing some steam to escape his system from within to avoid shutting off for overheating. Once the android pulled out he listened to Jimin let out a soft hum right after. Still becoming too tired to even say a thing after as he caught his breath. "Oh Jimin, how was it?"

Jimin pointed his head to the Android's direction, watching Jungkook lay right beside him curiously to ask. "Ah, oh... I... I loved it..." Jimin replied out of breath and closed his eyes. Hoping to rest now but before he could do so, Jungkook moved in closer and held his body closely until he was spooning the human in his arms. Touching his body and guiding his hands along Jimin's sensitive length, he still had a bit of his excitement running down the tip, before planting his touch around his small waist.

"I'm so glad that you did... you're my Jimin..." the android whispered with a smile over his face as he held onto Jimin and allowed him to press his exposed and tired little body against his while they steadied their own breathing and allowed their racing hearts to slow down a bit before they could do anything else.

"He wasn't kidding when he said that androids tend to get attached right after... I wonder how it's going to be for him now that he formed an attachment with me... is he going to be able to go home? Will he be too clingy?" Jimin thought and guided the tip of his index finger along the warm skin of the Android's arm.

The android kept his arms wrapped around his partner's tiny waist as he felt the subtle breathing of air escape Jungkook's slightly opened lips that kept brushing against the side of his neck; kissing him and sneaking in a few hickeys here and there. His drive never rested and deep down, Jimin caught onto the sense that Jungkook wanted to keep going but since the human was limited, he refrained from moving on. "He doesn't seem like the type that will be too clingy... he's my partner, I'm sure this is as close as he gets."

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