Chapter 11: Just Like Him

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      "Jungkook... do you... hear anything weird?"

       "Hear what?" Questioned the android curiously as he tilted his head and longed to know what Jimin meant. "What are you talking about?"

       "Do you pick up... a high frequency? Anything interrupting your sensors or-"

       "No, I don't... are you okay? You need to get some sleep right now," Jungkook replied. Instantly Jimin tilted his head and became concerned; why was Taehyung the only one who could hear that disastrous high frequency?

       "I... I don't get... I don't get it... you should-"

       " have to rest now, I will leave if you want me to," Jungkook mentioned and sat over a coffee table that stood right before the couch Jimin laid on. "I will lock the door behind me as I go... promise me you will get the rest that you need."

       "Jungkook..." Jimin whispered and kept his eyes open to stay awake in hopes of making the android stay, but that only caused Jungkook to stand up. With the idea of Jungkook leaving and the fears of being watched in his sleep, it was enough for Jimin to quickly grab onto Jungkook's wrist and stop him from leaving completely. The second Jimin's hand locked onto the wrist of the android, Jungkook stopped in his place as his blue eyes fell onto the human's soft little grasps.

     Jungkook's gaze remained glued onto Jimin's desperate touch; he didn't make a sound nor did he carry any emotion displayed over his charming face. His stare was as blank as a sheet of paper and his face carried no words like the empty pages in a book. With seconds drowning them further into an awkward silence, Jungkook only raised a brow and bit his lip intently until Jimin quickly pulled his hand away from the android. Suddenly, he became anxious the second he realized he had Jungkook's wrist underneath the palm of his hands the whole time he begged him to stay.

       "Jungkook... stay... please..."

       "You should be sleeping right now and I don't want to keep you up," Jungkook answered. Finally breaking away from the idea of Jimin begging him to stay. Quietly, Jungkook smirked as he stood and observed the details over Jimin's face right after he acknowledged how desperate he became to have someone protect him from his new fear.

       "I... Please... stay here while I sleep... I...I can't sleep at all..." Jimin continued and looked onto the ground. Not even noticing that Jungkook was holding up a smirk. "I can't sleep..."

       "You didn't need me yesterday night or any night before that. Why now?" Jungkook asked and continued to lock his gaze onto the human sitting anxiously the more this conversation went on. "Is there something going on, Jimin?"

       "I... I couldn't... I couldn't get any sleep last night... and..." Jimin anxiously tried to put his words together but the memory of him clinging onto Jungkook's hand as he desperately begged for him to stay, completely blocked his mind and distracted him each time he longed to say something else. At this moment, he began to panic as he took pauses to look for the words in his crowded mind.

       The second Jungkook caught onto Jimin panicking and trying to form words, the robot's smirk faded away as he finally kneeled down to the level of Jimin's gaze and held his hand carefully. Jungkook's caring blue eyes locked onto Jimin's gaze as he carefully kept Jimin's hands warm within his own grasps. Easing him with the little things that were enough to comfort him.

       "Breathe... think of your words first... don't rush... and then say it," Jungkook spoke softly. The sound of the comforting tone to his voice was enough to make all of the thoughts in Jimin's mind become silent and allow him to finally breathe. Jimin let out a shaky breath and closed his eyes carefully before he thought of what else to say.

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