Chapter 40: You Don't Love Me

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Violence up ahead.

       "You trust me enough to tell me... right?" Jimin continued to speak as if Jungkook could truly hear his cries, but he couldn't. Jimin only eased his doubtful thoughts with the idea that he could just to assure himself. "You can tell me what's wrong with you... it wouldn't matter, we can get through that. I just.. I just don't want to lose you too..."

       Jimin whispered through his tears and kept the image of Jungkook in his head until he laid on the couch to remain assuring himself no matter what. Longing to ease his worries by telling himself these words over and over again. In reality, he wasn't ready to find the flaws in Jungkook and find out if he had a defect, if he did there would be a chance that he would lose him too, and that was something Jimin wasn't ready for.

      His eyes weighed in shut as he tried every tactic to release the words Taehyung told him. Yet, it was hard to move on from them. Everything Taehyung said had to be true one way or another, in no way was the android capable of making things up as he pleased. Eventually leaving Jimin to tuck in a few details of the words that were spoken to him, in order to keep it in mind much later. He knew that if he couldn't forget about the words, he might as well keep them in mind for the reason that Taehyung just seemed very concerned for his safety. Even though Jimin couldn't believe it, he acknowledged it and set it aside for now and that alone was able to dry his tears.

       After a good few hours, Hoseok remained standing at the entry of the kitchen; fidgeting with anything he could find as he constantly looked at the clock up ahead. His eyes never seemed to lock onto an item for too long before he would move his gaze onto something else; trying his best to occupy all thoughts when it came to settling on the idea of Jeon Jungkook discovering that he was in his room just earlier.

      The constant if or when, began to haunt the human as he reached for the mail just sitting on the counter and began to rush through it. Letting out sharp exhales to ease his worries in between every turn of the page.

       "The mail just seems to get shorter and shorter... less stress for me, now I can-"

        "Hello, Hoseok..." A voice called out to him as his heart dropped. That familiar, raspy, bone chilling voice, caused every hair on his neck to stand as the same shot of cold pumped through his body abruptly. "You almost never complain about the mail, shouldn't you be proud there isn't that much?"

      "Oh... right..." Hoseok replied and set the stack within his hands, down onto the counter almost instantly. "You're completely right..."

       "I've learned that humans love to complain about the little things... is it a way that they cope? Humans are very interesting creatures, they could be so smart, yet, so dumb at times," Jungkook continued as he walked past Hoseok standing at the entry to the kitchen before stopping at the center of the space. "Yet, so curious and so predictable."

       "Jungkook... I know what this is leading to but please, I-"

        "You went into my room, didn't you?" Asked the android as his eyes still remained on a calm blue with purple shining through the center. Revealing a mix between frustration and calmness. "Just tell me you did, Hoseok..."

       "I did... I did..." Hoseok replied and watched the smile erupt from the Android's face as he turned around and faced the human at once.

      "I hope you found whatever you were looking for... or realized that you only dug your own grave. Snooping around, I should have seen it coming, but I didn't and here we are now. When I thought setting up the UV light within my cold room was enough to scare you off, but that didn't seem to work, didn't it?" The android went on and never peeled his gaze away from the human. "Looking for these, Hoseok?"

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