Chapter 67: Last Chance

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    "YOU KILLED HIM! YOU KILLED HIM, YOU MONSTER!" Hoseok suddenly screamed and continued to kick while Taehyung continued to hold him back. By now, tears fled from Hoseok's eyes at the sight of Jungkook's motionless body before him. "L-LET ME GO!"

       "Let him go, Taehyung," demanded the creator.

     In that grim moment, Hoseok was released and his body fell forward until he crawled to where Jungkook remained. Only then he began to cling onto him and cry. Never really knowing how much he loved this creation until he was forced to watch him have his wire cut just before his very eyes.

      "You killed him... you killed him!" Hoseok continued to mutter and softly caress the locks of Jungkook's hair. The mere sight of him lying motionless on the ground and not acknowledging his presence, was horrifying enough. Normally, Jungkook would have slapped his hand away and begin to threaten him, but now, nothing was done. Jungkook laid there and his silence was what killed Hoseok.

      "Don't be ridiculous, I didn't kill him," Seokjin mentioned as he walked forward and crouched down to the level of Hoseok's eyes.

       "Yes you did..."

        "No, we only use that term if a living thing is killed. Jungkook is not a living thing, Hoseok. The word you are looking for is 'deactivated' him. That's what I did."

        "Why... Why did you do this? Can't you see that he's an android worth saving?! Having him deactivated and soon turned into scraps is a stupid idea! Why can't you see how important he is?"

      "Wow, a change of heart... anyway, Yoongi, come help me take Jungkook to that room over there. Let's get this over with," Seokjin went on as Yoongi didn't say another word before walking forward. On the other hand, Hoseok refused and blocked the way for him to reach the android.

       "Seokjin, stop it! Make Yoongi stop, I can show you how different Jungkook could be! You can go through his memories and see the way he treats that boy... that boy, Park Jimin! P-Please! Listen to me... why aren't you listening to me?" Hoseok cried. But no matter what he did, Seokjin was too determined to even stop himself.

      "Because all I've ever done was listen to you back then... and look at where it led us to... it led us to this and I refuse to let history repeat itself.... Jung Hoseok, do not interfere with my work anymore," Seokjin hissed and snapped his fingers. "Taehyung, don't let him go until I say so!"

      "What?! Seokjin, please!" Cried the man before Taehyung made his way toward the human. Just then, Taehyung grabbed Hoseok once more and held him back to watch as they took Jungkook away. Only now, Hoseok was stunned and no longer wanted to beg. He had to think of a way out of this now.

       Hoseok had to be held back once again as Seokjin carried on with his plan. Nothing in this world hurt more than the pain Hoseok was being put under. He truly loved Jungkook deep down, but he only wished he would have treated the android right. If he treated him right back then, would Jungkook's run be so much different now? No matter how hard Hoseok cried and begged, Seokjin was so sure of getting rid of Jungkook all because he knew that this world would never accept him the way Hoseok would see him. Jungkook would always be an unpredictable android, embodying the flaws of human beings so well, that it didn't help his case in the long run. He was fixable, but Seokjin wasn't bought on the idea in order to invest the time to do so.

        Just then, Hoseok stopped and began to think. If he knew Seokjin wasn't going to listen to him, the best thing he could do was at least show Seokjin the good things and only the good things Jungkook has done. Hoseok knew that if he brought in Jimin, showed Jungkook's journal entries, and allowed Seokjin to go through the creation's memories, he would see everything that could become so real with just an android like him.

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