Chapter 34: Only if You're Ready~

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"C-Curious?" Jimin asked softly as his heart raced at the idea Jungkook proposed. That was until he realized what he said out of nowhere and couldn't dare to look Jungkook in the eyes, but every time he would turn his face away, the tip of Jungkook's index finger would guide his attention back towards his own gaze.

The simple stare of a pink cherry blossom gleamed within his irises as he counted every imperfect little detail to Jimin's face and took note of his eyes going back and forth from looking him in the eyes and then looking away as if he didn't think of him. Jungkook had a smirk over his face as he pressed his forehead against Jimin's right after.

"What's wrong?"

"You... you just mentioned that we're something more than just friends today, and now you're hinting at sex? We could be moving too fast, what if-"

"Jimin, who has a say in the idea of moving too fast? How long should I wait before we explore something more? I heard it come from your own lips... you wanted something more than just the innocent kisses, you're just as curious as I am," Jungkook answered and slid his hands down to latch onto Jimin's petite waist. "If you really want to know, we could do something... the only thing that matters is trust and bond between us, not time. At least, not to me... you can call me your partner, Park Jimin... and between us, we don't have to worry about time..."

"I... I never... I never did it before, let alone with an android... I'm a little nervous," Jimin replied as he buried his embarrassed face into Jungkook's chest. Letting out a soft sigh as the android only raised a brow and let out a chuckle. "It's not funny! I don't know how it goes when it comes to androids..."

"You make it sound as if I won't be here with you every step of the way~ Jimin, look at me." Jungkook tried his best to ease the worries Jimin had in his head as he watched the human slowly look up with worry filling his eyes. At that very moment, Jungkook could only focus on the objective of making sure Jimin was comfortable and sure of what lies ahead. "I wouldn't want to try it with you if I knew it could harm you in any way. In fact, all androids are built to do it, so there's no way pain could be inflicted. It's absolutely safe. As long as you trust me and let me, everything will be fine."

Jimin let out a relieved sigh as he pressed his forehead against Jungkook's once more and made a soft smile after allowing all his worries to flee. "I trust you, Jungkook... I trust you..." Jimin whispered as Jungkook caressed the side of Jimin's face carefully.

"I should also let you know... that... all androids tend to get attached to the one they spend their first time with just like some humans tend to do. The only difference is, all of us react differently to the attachment, so if I become too annoying after, please don't hesitate to tell me if it becomes too much."

"Okay..." Jimin replied and before Jungkook could kiss him, he stopped and let out another chuckle before looking away. "What is it?"

"Do you have lube?" Jungkook suddenly asked as Jimin hid his face within Jungkook's chest in seconds. "It's okay if you do, it's normal!"

"I... I do... but I only purchased it but never used it. I was being watched so it felt weird for me to use it," Jimin replied and watched as Jungkook ran his hair back carefully and moved his head in closer until he began to whisper in his ear.

"Then, you're not as innocent as I thought~" the android whispered and glided his hands along Jimin's body carefully. "Would you like to do it on a bed? Or is the couch fine?"


"Nervous?" Jungkook asked and slowly sat up, yet held Jimin over his hips carefully. "You don't have to do this to please me..."

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