Chapter 59: All the Little Things

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Jungkook's eyes shifted from the sorrowful dark blue into a crimson glare. The words Hoseok spoke was something he had always longed to hear, but not now. Not when Hoseok was drunk and not at a time like this when it was due long before. Filled with rage, Jungkook snatched his hand back and teared up, no longer caring if the shocks emitting from his eyes could hurt him now.

"What are you trying to say?! Why now? Why are you telling me this now? W-Where was this all before? It's like the time you told me you loved me but I know... I know you didn't mean it!" Jungkook growled and stepped back as he looked Hoseok in the eyes. Just then, Jungkook let out a scoff and shook his head. "I should've left you alone in that dining room... I just didn't think you would hurt me even more when you're drunk but I guess not. You're insane..."

"Jungkook... I'm sorry..." Hoseok said into a softer tone, no longer being able to contain his drunk thoughts. Jungkook knew he was a mess right now because he was intoxicated but only wondered if this was everything he hid from him before. If it all came out now, he only wondered what else the human tended to hide from him. "Please forgive me... I wasn't the best to you and I know my mistake now."

"You're insane... I don't think I could ever forgive you..." Jungkook whispered as he continued to glare at the human. "The fact that you would only tell me this when you're drunk... says everything that I need to know about you. How could you do this to me?" With the final sentence leaving his trembling voice, he flinched at every tear running down his face. "Y-You could have told me... t-this... this sooner..."

Hoseok listened to the tone of Jungkook's voice as it began to cut in and out, glitching and signifying that he was running out of energy from the long day. Yet, he didn't move at all and kept his glare locked onto the drunk man. He knew it was important to remain fully charged, but confronting Hoseok was something he felt as if he always needed to do. If he didn't do it now when Hoseok was able to grasp onto a few words, he may never find a moment to say it again.

Hoseok looked into Jungkook's eyes; those red crimson eyes that had glitches of blue, green, pink, and purple specs flashing in and out from around the irises. He was running low on energy and it was beginning to show more and more. Hoseok just couldn't help but to worry for the young android even if his world was spinning within the toxins he forced into himself. He was still able to get a grasp of reality but only for a little bit.

"Jungkook, you will hurt yourself," the drunk man mentioned as he finally stood up, becoming dizzy but somehow making his way to the android who stood far from him. Despite being a wreck, he tried his best to become collected in front of the android.

"W-What are you doing?" Jungkook asked with his voice sounding as if it jumped out of a classic film noir.

"You have to... you have to go charge! You're running out of energy..." Hoseok continued, dragging his own words out and running his hands up the android in order to cup his face. "Don't risk your life for me... Don't put yourself in danger right now, go charge... do it... you will regret wasting such little time on me."

Jungkook didn't know what Hoseok meant, he knew the man was drunk and that he shouldn't hold anything back and many things would be revealed, but Hoseok wasn't so careless even when he was drunk. He was still able to have a grasp on his words.

"Get off me!" Jungkook hissed, his voice now sounded as if it was recorded through a phone. "I'm not going to sit here and listen to you tell me things you should say when you're sober.... You... you don't know how draining it is to be around you after doing all of these things to me. You'll never learn will you?"

"Jungkook... I'm sorry..." silence began to amplify between them now. As Jungkook counted the seconds he had left before shutting off, he kept his ear alert to listen to the drunk man before him because deep down, he wanted to listen to what he longed to hear.

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