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The pleasant rustle of trees as they swayed in the morning breeze was accompanied by the sound of birds chirping in the distance. A new day has begun. The sun gleamed softly across the entire neighborhood, bringing a bustle of early morning activities with it.

I rested my elbow on the balcony balustrade, buried my head in the palm of my open hand, and closed my eyes. It's wonderful for my headache.

Such lovely weather. I opened my eyes and let out a sigh.

I mean, seriously. What a beautiful day to witness someone get rejected in front of my house. Is that a break-up? Is that a rejection or a confession? Is it all of them? I'm not sure.

But I can say that there is a girl, and I can see her rather clearly. And there's a guy who isn't visible. I mean, I can't see his face because I can only see his body. His face was covered by the tree.

If I had been in her shoes, I would have waited until I died.

Ughhh. My forehead ached even more from the sight down below, so I massaged it.

You're asking the worst-case scenario, sweetie.

"How can you say... that?" I cocked my head in disapproval of her gloomy tone. Is she on the verge of crying? When I heard a slight sound of sobbing coming from the girl, I realized my guess was correct.

A sigh escaped my lips once again.

For a brief period, I stood there watching the girl dry her tears. Because of it, my head was about to explode. As I was about to turn around to walk inside, my sight remained fixed on the girl. I stifle a yawn and scratch my head, my gaze still fixed on the situation. I was about to yank my gaze away when the hidden guy revealed himself, and I froze.


What...how? Huh?!
EXCUSE ME? This is ridiculous.

 My saliva nearly choked me. When I tell you my jaw dropped. It did.

There was a man who was more attractive than any other man I'd ever seen. A man with silverish-White hair dressed in all black, including a high-necked jacket and matching pants, as well as black sunglasses. He's fine, yo!

He took a step closer to the girl and leaned down to murmur something into her ears. The girl jolted and bolted away, crying even harder.

My jaw dropped, not because of what happened to the girl, but because of the way that silver-haired man smirked. I got shivers just thinking about it. That straight-up evil.

My instincts advised me to go inside as the ache in my head became worse. I ran in without pausing to consider my options. I've got more pressing issues to deal with.


Things returned to their previous state. Not in my case, at least.

Today, too, it happened. Early in the morning, that's right. And the pain in my head doesn't appear to be reducing. Even worse, the medication was ineffective.

The only difference between today and yesterday is that he is the one confessing (I guess). This time, I got a good view of him. Both of them are easily visible to me.

"As always, you're cocky." Crossing her arms across her chest, the young lady remarked. She lingered for a few moments before departing. Did she just dump him or something?

Yeah, thank you for ending it.

It's out of the blue, but he seems nice though. I am just saying it because he is handsome. Just a reminder, though.

Anyways, I am going in. It's almost time for breakfast, and also, my head isn't cooperating with me.


Maybe they'll give it a rest after that, I thought. Nope! Every single fricking day, this happened. Okay, go ahead and do it. But don't do it here; instead, go to a park or somewhere quieter. Why did you choose this location out of all the possibilities?

And with that, she leaves. After the girl went, I assumed the overly handsome dude would be alone.

Why don't you give up? It's only worsening my headache.

I rolled my eyes and snorted. I soon heard my mother calling me, most likely to assist her in the kitchen.

Also, yes! I live with my parents. Even though I am an adult, I don't see why I shouldn't live with my parents. I enjoy spending time with them. They're getting old, and I have to look after them.

"Coming." My eyes sprung open as he turned around and faced me, his gaze meeting mine. I averted my gaze robotically towards my neighbor's house as if I hadn't noticed anything.

Oh my goodness! The windows of the next-door neighbors are spotlessly clean.

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