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And with the turns of events. . .

Satoru left while I was still asleep. I don't remember when I fell asleep but I think it was somewhere between him telling me about his six eyes and his limitless. . .?

Not so good of a listener. But I do remember.

Surprises me that I managed to fall asleep when my literal heart was going to jump out of my ribcage.

At least he did wake me up before leaving. Of course, me and my sleepy ass was mumbling in my sleep not even bothering to get up and set him off. But it was nice of him to let me know.

"Hey, I am going. I have work to do."

"Huh?. . .uh... okay . . . bye."

I feel like that's how it went if I try recalling it.


I glance at the time on my phone. 

10:38 A.M. 

I have plenty of time not to fool around and manage my time for my reexamination at the end of this month. But how can I NOT fool around when things have turned this way around me?

I turn around on my bed, thinking about last night. 

Was I crazy? Nah, be for real though. Now that I rationally see and examine this so-called situation around me. . . I am officially crazy. No, because what sort of people kiss each other on multiple occasions? Are you stupid? 

I groan, burying my face in the pillow.

"After all, I've been doing the same thing."

"As long as you're my little secret, I don't care about breaking the rules."

 His words linger in my brain.

Why doesn't he say stuff in a more straight and direct way? Jerk.

Okay, he says bizarre stuff that makes my heart flutter but do we really have to kiss? Who am I even kidding? To be honest, I am the one to blame. I am the one who fanned the fire. I was doing it even though I know what it leads to.

'Oh, it happened once, it won't happen again. It was an accident.  Accident happens', was what I thought.

But NO.

Why did it happen again and again?

I push myself up and sit cross-legged on the bed, staring at the mess of books and notes scattered around me. Focus, I tell myself. You have a reexamination to prepare for. But every time I try to concentrate, my mind wanders back to those moments.

What are we even?

We aren't friends, not really. We don't know each other in that way, don't share those everyday moments that friends do. We've just... crossed paths in ways that don't make sense, drawn together by something I can't define. We've kissed, yes, but beyond that, what are we? 

I grab my notebook and flip to a random page, the words blurring as my thoughts race. Taking a pen I wrote the exact thing he had told me.

"As long as you're my little secret, I don't care about breaking the rules."

I just know for a fact that he doesn't give a f about rules. I can tell that. His secret?  What kind of secret? What rules are we even breaking? 

Today was supposed to be about my preparation for my reexamination. I can't concentrate like this.

If this continues on then I might have to reconsider my feelings. I have to make sure first.

I stood up and walked towards my balcony, the cool air hitting my face as I slid the door open. Oh gosh, that felt so refreshing. I closed my eyes, savoring the sensation. Leaning against the balustrade, I propped my arms on the rail and enjoyed the moment.

"Uh? Miss?" a voice spoke, cutting through the peace.  I opened my eyes and saw him—the man from the convenience store. Scar lips man.

My heart skipped a beat. "What are you doing here?" I asked, astonished. 

What? Him?

He gave a casual shrug as if this encounter were the most natural thing in the world. "Just passing by. I feel like I saw you walking this way previously. Thought I'd say hi."

I press my lips together.

Oh well, seems like I don't know shit about my surroundings.

I nodded slowly, trying to mask my growing unease. "Alright. Well, you've said hi. Anything else?"

He took a step closer. "You seemed pretty stressed last time. Thought maybe you could use a friend. Thank you for the cigarette though, miss." 


I am seriously getting deja vu. 

I forced a smile, my mind racing. "Thanks, but I'm fine."

He glanced around, then back at me, his gaze lingering a moment too long. "You sure? Sometimes it's good to talk things out."

I'm sure," I said firmly, taking a step back. "Thank you for concerning though. . . Mister." well, I don't know his name. 

He nodded, a small smile on his lips. He turned to leave, and I could see the way his smile dropped, something in his demeanor shifted.

He paused, his hand hovering near his jacket pocket. "Take care, miss," he said, his tone suddenly darker.

I watch him go and let out a breath I didn't realize I'd been holding. I went back inside, shutting the door to my balcony. 

A few minutes later, just as I was beginning to relax again, a loud noise shattered the silence.

"What is that noise?" I mumbled to myself.

It sounded as if it came from the downstairs. There shouldn't be anyone though. Torn between fear and curiosity, I moved cautiously toward the door, my mind a whirlwind of questions. 

It can be a cat. I did lock my doors. So. . .

 I hurried down the stairs, my footsteps echoing in the empty stairwell. My eyes darted around, searching for any sign of what had happened.

A bullet whizzed past my ear, hitting the wall behind me with a deafening crack. My breath caught in my throat as I realized how close it had come to hitting me. Then I saw him—Scar lips man—standing at the end of the hallway, a gun pointed straight at me. I fell on my knees, shaking uncontrollably.

He locked eyes with me, his expression shifting from surprise to something far more sinister. He holds his gun still and walks towards me. 

"Guess I wasn't just passing by after all,"

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