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The music surrounded me as I made my way through the crowded room.

Don't mind me. It's been ages since I left home like this. I am just gonna be the awkward sloppy mimbo that I am.

 "Aye, my lovely." My classmate greeted me with a wide grin, holding a drink in each hand. "Here, have a drink."

"Thanks," I muttered, taking the offered glass. "Free food, free drinks. Guess this isn't so bad."

I scanned my environment and realized I was surrounded by my classmates. 

I made my way towards the bar, the vibrant atmosphere starting to feel a little overwhelming. The bar was a quieter haven amidst the chaos, and I found an empty stool at the end. I perched myself on it, taking a moment to breathe and sip my drink. The bartender nodded at me, a silent acknowledgment of my presence.

Leaning against the bar, I let my gaze wander around the room.

I was never close to anyone through the years spent with my classmates. Even though they offered me everywhere. But still, I am grateful they did think of me here.

The music thumped, the bass reverberating through my chest.

I took another sip of my drink. The coolness of the drink contrasted with the warm, lively atmosphere, and I found myself starting to relax. Maybe this night wouldn't be so bad after all.

The bartender approached me with a friendly smile. "Need another drink?"

"Not yet," I replied, setting my half-full glass down. As I was playing with the remaining drink someone sat next to me.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing all alone here?" It was another classmate, a slightly tipsy grin on her face.

"Just taking a break from all the craziness," I replied, smiling back. "Needed a moment to breathe."

"Well, don't stay here too long," she said, giving me a playful nudge. "The real fun's out there!"

I chuckled, watching her stumble back into the crowd. As much as I appreciated the socializing, I was perfectly happy right where I was.

I stared at my glass, the ice slowly melting and diluting what was left of my drink. The night felt longer than it was, and the swirling mix of emotions inside me made it hard to focus. I raised my hand to get the bartender's attention.

"Actually, I think I will have another," I said, surprising myself.

The bartender nodded and quickly prepared another drink, sliding it over to me. I took a sip, the cool liquid a brief reprieve from the warmth and noise around me. I wasn't sure why, but tonight felt different. Maybe it was the impending farewell, the realization that things were changing. Maybe it was the anxiety and stress it was with for weeks because of my result. 

Whatever it was, I suddenly felt the need to drink more. 

One drink turned into two, then three. The edges of my thoughts began to blur, and I found myself laughing at things that weren't even funny. The bar seemed to pulse with a life of its own, the music syncing with my heartbeat.

Another classmate joined me at the bar.

And I don't know what was happening but I liked her presence. 

"Oh, man. Looks like you're having more drinks than snacks," I heard the ace of our class say as she took a seat beside me.

 My head felt light, my thoughts began to fuzzy. 

As I lifted the glass to take another sip, a hand suddenly reached around me, gripping the drink I was about to indulge in. Another hand rested gently on my arm, and a familiar voice spoke from behind me.

"That's enough, (Y/N)."

I turned, slightly startled, my eyes refusing to focus on one thing. "Who are you?"

I heard him sigh. "Oh. . . it hurts my pride to see that you don't recognize me."

I would if I was sober enough.

I squinted at him, trying to make sense of his face through the haze of alcohol. I  rubbed my eyes and focused, trying to clear my vision. As I blinked a few times, the features of his face became clearer.

"Do I sound different too?"

The blindfold, along with the same uniform, made it clear that it was indeed someone I had been avoiding meeting in public.

A wave of realization washed over me as the haze in my eyes lifted. My stomach twisted at the sight in front of me. "Satoru?"

"Hey! Who even are you?" one of my friends blurted out.

I quickly cut in, my words stumbling over each other in my haste. "O-Oh. . .he. . .is my. . .uh . . . friend. Yeah, F-Friend?"

It came out more like a question than a statement.

"Oh my. He is very tall," my friend whispered discreetly.

I shot her a quick glance, hoping she wouldn't say more. Grabbing Satoru's arm, I whispered urgently, "Let's step outside for a moment."

He looked at me, his expression unreadable, but he nodded. We moved away from the pulsating music and the crowded club.

Once outside, I turned to him, my heart pounding. "Why are you here?"

He remained silent, his gaze steady on mine.

"We... we agreed to never meet like this," I stammered, trying to maintain a mask of composure. "What are you doing in a club?"

Still, he said nothing, his silence unsettling me. I continued, my words tumbling out in a nervous rush. "I didn't expect... I mean, I didn't think you'd..."

I flinched as he removed his blindfold, his eyes now fixed on me with an intensity that sent a shiver down my spine.

As much as I miss those eyes. . . I am afraid of it too.

"You said we were friends," he finally spoke, his voice low and tinged with an edge I hadn't heard before.

I hesitated, his sudden change in demeanor catching me off guard. "Y-Yes... I mean, aren't we?"

He studied me for a moment, his silence heavy with unspoken questions. "Are we though? Friends?"

His words hung in the air, making me gulp nervously. "I... I thought..."

"I've never seen friends kiss before," he continued.

How much I wanna yell at him to carry me and kiss me. I want to tell him that I still long for his touch, that I craved the comfort of his embrace to make me feel like the world didn't exist outside of us. But I couldn't. It wasn't the right thing to do, not now, not in this uncertain moment.

I swallowed hard, his words cutting through the haze of the night and sobering me instantly. "Satoru..."

He raised an eyebrow, waiting for my response.

"I... I guess I assumed..." I faltered, searching for the right words.

"I feel like I am talking to a whole different person. You shuttering before me is the last thing I expect from you." 

I bit my lip, feeling exposed under his scrutinizing gaze. "I just... didn't expect to see you here. Especially not like this."

His expression softened slightly, and without a word, he gently took my hand, pulling me closer to him. The warmth of his touch sent a shiver down my spine, mingling with a rush of emotions I couldn't quite name.

"Satoru..." I whispered, my voice barely audible over the distant thump of music.

He looked down at me, his eyes searching mine with an intensity that made my heart race. Without hesitation, he leaned in, closing the space between us. His lips met mine in a soft, tentative kiss.

For a moment, the world around us faded away. There was only the warmth of his embrace, the taste of his lips against mine.

He pulled back.

"Gosh, I missed you."

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