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I blinked a few times at his words. 

"No," I say.


Absolutely Not. 

I don't want to get flatter over this. Not in something like this.

He just innocently tilts his head, as if he doesn't know what I am talking about.

As much as I want the delusional to turn into reality, this is certainly not what we agreed on.

He leaned again, but this time I covered his mouth with both of my hands. Preventing him from doing what he did before.

"Satoru . . ." he blinks as my hand was still covering his lips. "You rascal!"


My hands were beginning to tremble and I am pretty sure he was able to feel them. He then took my hands away and leaned in closer, grabbing both of my wrists with one hand.


Say something! Say at least something. Say one word now that you have got his attention.

But how on earth am I supposed to speak when he has put me in this position?

He stared at me, waiting for me to say something. 

Oh geez . . .

The one time I want the alcohol to work is the time it stops working and makes me face reality. I wish I wasn't sober up this much.

You know what?

One of us has to do this.

"Let go." I managed to say.

He gently loosens his grasp on my wrist and eventually leaves it.

And with that, I turn on my heels and walk the heck away.

"Huh? Eh? (Y/N)?" I can hear his call as I walk even faster. His voice was filled with confusion and loss, but I didn't wanna say anything. Not right now.


Please, please, please, please. . . don't call out my name.

Before I knew I was starting to run. Fast.

I hope he doesn't run after me. 

I hope.


I am SO glad that I got home much earlier than I expected yesterday. I did tell my classmate that I wasn't feeling well, so I left earlier. Yes, I ran away. And I am glad that I ran away.

Because if I hadn't, who knows what could've happened. The rain started as soon as I got home and it's still pouring at two in the afternoon. I could have been stuck there with the rest.

Now, instead of being stuck in a crowded place with people I barely tolerate, I'm watching the rain from the comfort of my bed, dealing with a headache. I thought I got sober up but I was hella wrong.

I was glad Mom had decided to visit her parents a few blocks away, leaving me alone to enjoy the solitude. Her nagging me about craps is the least thing I needed. 

I sighed, rubbing my temples, when something outside caught my eye.

Through the downpour, I saw a figure standing in the rain. My heart skipped a beat.

Oh, god. . .

Here we go again.

Satoru. . . you menace.

First of all, what is he doing here?

Second of all, Was he trying to catch pneumonia?

Third of all,  or is he just dumb?

Me and my dumbass at least would have said him to not follow me.

I debated whether to approach him, but my better judgment told me to stay hidden. My heart raced as I peeked from behind the curtain, hoping he'd just leave.

However, as much as I know Satoru and the level of stubbornness this man has. . . I don't think he will be leaving anytime soon.

A notification sound pulled my attention to my laptop. I opened it.

". . .hmm."

This just made me question stuff. 

I shut it quickly, still puzzled about what Satoru was doing here. 

Stepping out onto the balcony, the cold rain hit me like a slap. 

"Are you trying to freeze to death or just proving you're dumb?" I shouted, crossing my arms for warmth. He turned, blindfold still in place, and simply stared at me, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips.

"I am not,"  he said, his voice carrying through the storm. My cheeks heated despite the chill. Silence stretched between us, filled only by the sound of falling rain.

"I thought we agreed we wouldn't meet under any circumstances. That was the rule," I said, raising an eyebrow. 

Seems like I was drunk yesterday seeing how steady my voice is right now, while yesterday the words barely went out of my throat.

That just proved the feeling of soberness was just my hallucination. 

He chuckled, running a hand through his soaked hair. "Rules are meant to be broken."

I blinked, realizing he had been thinking about breaking the rule while I was the one blindly following it.

"Do you have something to say to me?"

Let's just get to the point. I am starting to shiver.

He nodded.

"Wanna join me then?"

If he really wants to say something to me then I think this is the best way because I don't think we will be seeing each other anytime soon.

"Let's discuss it then," I say.

He didn't respond right away. Instead, he glanced around, assessing the situation, and approached the gate.

I watched in disbelief as he grabbed hold of the gate, his movements fluid and confident despite the pouring rain. Slowly, he pulled himself up, his muscles tensing under his soaked clothes. It was like watching a scene from an action movie.

Step by step, he ascended, his grip steady and sure. My heart pounded in my chest, both from worry and something else I didn't want to name. He paused for a moment, catching my eye.

I hope no one has noticed this scene happening right now.

Finally, he reached the balcony, hoisting himself over the edge with ease. He stood there, dripping wet, water running down his face and clothes, but he seemed unfazed.

He took a seat on the top rail, balancing effortlessly. With a casual motion, he pulled his blindfold slightly to reveal one eye to look through me. It was as if he did this kind of thing every day.

As the rain continued to pour, I walked closer, my steps hesitant.

"You have something to say to me?" I asked again.


"Before that, can you do one thing?"

Before he could answer, I closed the distance between us and grabbed his collar, my face flushed.

Eh. It's not a crime.

"Comfort me," I said, my voice trembling more from the cold than the words. My soaked hair clung to my face, my shirt plastered to my skin, becoming embarrassingly see-through.

He looked at me. Then, in one smooth motion, he removed his blindfold, revealing his intense, captivating blue eyes. His stare was so piercing that I felt my breath catch in my throat. 

His wet clothes only made him look more attractive like he'd just stepped out of a movie scene. He seems annoyingly unbothered by the rain.

Without another word, he wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me into a kiss, his lips warm against mine despite the chill. In one smooth move, 

he had me inside, the door closing behind us.

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