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"How's dad?"

"He is doing well now that I am here."

A sigh of relief escaped from me after hearing that.

"Don't worry. I have everything controlled here. What's happening there with you?" 

I paused when she asked me that.


I glanced behind me, my heart skipping a beat as I saw him lying there, peacefully asleep in my bed.


"Everything's fine here, Mom," I replied quickly. "Just taking it one day at a time?" Shit, it came out more like a question.

"Ahh, I see."

"Okay, Mom, it's getting late. You should take a rest too. Love you, bye."

I ended the call before she could respond. One of these days I will actually go insane. I looked at the time.

11:56 P.M.

Now let's face the actual problem laying on my bed. 

How did things turn into this?

I mean, I know how things ended up like this but...

My gaze lingered on the man in my bed, his chest rising and falling in a steady rhythm. My fingers are itching to reach out and trace the lines of his face. His sleeping face.

But I still have some doubt if he is actually sleeping or just acting. But his face is the reason that is making me believe he is asleep. It's my guts that's telling me he is not.

Suddenly he shifts on the bed, making me jolt up. The realization hit me a bit slowly as he was waking up.

"Stop staring," he murmured. "I can feel your eyes on me."

I felt my cheeks flush with embarrassment. I hurriedly looked away, pretending to be super interested in whatever was on my phone. You know, scrolling, tapping, anything to avoid eye contact.

"Seems like I woke you up." I glance at him.

He chuckled, stretching out in bed like a lazy cat.  "No worries," he replied as he sat up in bed. "I'm practically used to being watched while I sleep by now."

Should I be worried about that sentence?

I am kind of relieved he isn't making it a big deal like before.

"Yeah, well, guilty as charged, I guess," I admitted, trying to play it cool.

"So.." he began which immediately caught my attention on that long pause. "What were you staring at, hmm?"

I felt a blush creep up my neck as I struggled to come up with a response. "Um, just... thinking, I guess," I mumbled, mentally kicking myself for sounding like a total dork.

He raised an eyebrow, a playful grin tugging at the corners of his lips. "About me, perhaps?"

My cheeks burned even hotter at his teasing tone, and I couldn't help but laugh nervously. "Shut up."

"I will take that as a yes." 

I rolled my eyes, just to hide the fact that he was probably right. "I wasn't."

He chuckled again, leaning in closer with that stupidly charming smile of his. "Don't get me wrong." He plays with the blindfold which he has been holding since it got out of me. "After all, I've been doing the same thing."

My eyes widened. What?

He looked at me softly, tilting his head, and I couldn't breathe anymore. It seemed like I could never get enough of his eyes.

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