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What did he say?

I am standing here, paralyzed by what he had just said and he... he gives me an innocent look.

"What?" I finally managed to speak after being flabbergasted by him.

He looks around. "I said about sleeping together."

Yeah, I think I do regret offering him to stay over.

"What if I say no?" I questioned making him raise his brows.

"Well. . . that might suck. Missed opportunity." His words hung in the air, charged with a mix of playful challenges. Is he testing me?

I could feel the temperature in the room rise, my pulse quickening in response to the suggestive undertone of his statement. My eyes locked onto his, the innocent look now replaced with a smirk.

"What if I say yes?" I retorted, trying to match his confidence while hiding the tremor in my voice.

He stood up and stepped closer. "Then I guess," he said softly, "We will find it out eventually."

He leaned in, his lips brushing against my ear as he whispered, "Should we find it out?"

My heart skipped a beat. Oh, my dear (Y/N), this is certainly not the time to be having this kind of emotional disaster in this kind of situation. 

I cleared my throat. "Puh-lease," I said. "Just because you're staying over doesn't mean you get everything you want." 

He raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Oh, I thought guests were gods." He sits on the bed, spreading his legs apart. Long legs.

I chuckled at his sentence. "You're not a god." I tilted my head waiting for his reply.

He grinned. "Though, I'm not god. I am still the honored one." My expression fell on the floor. 

Honored one?

I looked at him, and he still kept that grin on his face. He loves playing with words. Oh, Satoru, it seems like I have still yet to know a lot of things about you.

I sighed. "what about we do this?"

"Oh? And what do you suggest, then?"

I walk over to my desk. I searched for the thing, looking for it inside my drawers. "How about we start with something simple?" I suggested, getting up from there, carrying a deck of cards. I sit on my bed a bit closer to him.  "A game. The winner gets to choose how we spend the night."

His smirk widened, clearly enjoying the challenge. "Alright. What are we playing?"

"Poker," I said confidently, shuffling the cards with practiced ease. "3 rounds. The one who wins the most rounds wins." He nods.

I folded my legs and he did the same, preparing for the beginning of the first round. The air is still thick with unspoken tension.

The first round ended quickly, and Satoru laid down his winning hand with a triumphant grin. "Looks like I win," he said, leaning back against the wall with a satisfied expression.

I forced a smile. "Alright, first round to you. But it's not over yet."

We played again, the second game more intense as I tried to outwit him. But once again, he revealed a winning hand, his grin widening. "Two for two," he teased.

My jaw clenched. He basically won. Noway. Shut up.

Determined, even if I already lost, I at least had to try to win at least one game. I focused all my attention on the third game, my competitive streak flaring. But it was no use. Satoru laid down his cards with a flourish, winning for the third time. I glared at him, my frustration mounting. 

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