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"You packed everything?" 

I rolled my eyes dramatically. "Yes, Mom. I think I can handle putting clothes in a suitcase."

She sighed, stepping into the room and picking up a stray sock from the floor. "I just want to make sure you don't forget anything important. You always forget something."

Wow, we don't trust each other in this household.

"I will be back before you know it. I've got everything, really," I reassured her, folding a sweater and placing it neatly on top of the pile. "Besides, it's not like Vancouver is on another planet."

"Still," she persisted, her brow furrowing with worry, "it's far enough. And you'll be there for a while."

"I'm not going to war," I said, unable to keep the sarcasm out of my voice. "Yes, mother, sure. Can I at least have a little time to, like, do things myself?"

She gave me a long, searching look before sighing again. "Alright, alright. I'll leave you to it. Just... don't forget to call me before you leave for the airport."

I nodded.

With her gone, I flopped onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling.

"Geez. . . What a week I had," I mumbled out loud.

I couldn't help but think about Satoru. We had been through so much together, and yet here I was, about to leave for Vancouver, trying to break ties with him. No matter how hard I tried, he always had different thoughts and intentions. It was like he could sense when I was ready to move on, and he'd pull me right back in.

At least he is always honest with me.

Oh shit. . . he doesn't even know I am departing. 

To be fair, I ask myself what we are after that day. 

We slept. . . for all the wrong reasons. It wasn't planned; it just... happened.

". . ."

Okay, I'll admit. . . I was the one who jumped at him. Basically invited him.

And now, I haven't heard from him since. It was like he knew I needed space but was making it harder by being so silent. It left me feeling confused and a little lost.


And yes, it's a guy's job and always be a guy's duty to ask first. If I do all the stuff then what the hell is the point of men's existence? Might as well just turn into one.

Okay. . . that sounded bad but still.

I am JUST a girl, I change my mind TOO much. It is not too late for things to go a different proper way.

Taking a deep breath, I pushed myself up from the bed and returned to packing. There was no turning back now. I needed to move forward, even if it meant leaving behind the chaos that was Satoru.

His loss. Stay delulu ladies.


The airport was fussing with activity as I stepped out of the cab, the sound of engines roaring and passengers talking filled the air.

My mother was right beside me, her nagging a constant background noise as we made our way towards the entrance.

"Are you sure you have everything? Passport, tickets, wallet?" she fussed, her eyes scanning me from head to toe.

Does everyone's mother do this?

Yes, Mom, I have everything. Can you please just relax?" I replied, my patience wearing thin.

She sighed but nodded, finally letting me go as I headed inside.

Just another day of me. . . not being to get my crap together. 

Just as I reached the terminal, my phone rang, the screen displaying an unknown number. Without thinking much, I picked up. "Hello?"


That single hey was enough for me to recognize the voice instantly.

A snicker escaped my mouth as I touched my forehead and pressed it down until it reached my mouth. "You wanted something, Satoru?"

He laughed from the other side. "Yeah, is that a problem?"

"You dare take my phone number without knowing me?" I teased.

"Is that a problem?" he repeated as if it was the most normal thing in the world.

"Hurry up, I have somewhere to be," I said, trying to sound impatient.

"Oh? Then I had a thing to say to you." His tone turned slightly serious.

I stayed silent for a while before replying with a hum.

"Do you have like time, you know... like... you wanna go grab some food someday?" He stumbled over his words but finally got it out. "You wanna go out with me?"

A rare occurrence for the almighty Gojo Satoru who never stutters or stumbles over anything. I couldn't help but tease him.

"Are you asking me on a date?" I said, a smirk forming on my lips.

"Well, yeah?"

What the hell kind of response is that?

A giggle escaped my mouth. "Is that so?"

"Is that a yes?"

I looked at my watch and started heading inside the airport, rolling my suitcase behind me. "That's not a bad idea, though."

"So you're going with me?" he asked eagerly.

"Like you said, someday."

"Why? You going somewhere?"

"Yes, it will take some time," I replied.

"Time? Might take a while with the look that you're in the airport."

I froze for a moment and then began looking around. There wasn't a single person with silver hair in sight.

"Look back," he said.

As I did, I saw Satoru outside the door, a bit far but near enough to be noticed. He was still in his uniform, and I couldn't see the blindfold, but he was still on the phone. 

 "You're leaving me?" he asked again, jolting me back to reality.

"Why? You miss me already?" I joked.

"Am I late?" he said.

"You're late, Satoru." My grip on the suitcase handle tightened as I kept my eyes on him. His voice turned into a whisper.

"We won't be going out?"

I smiled again and replied, "Someday. Okay, I will be late for my flight, so glad you came to see me off, Satoru."

"(Y/N)," he whispered. "I haven't told you the thing I wanted to say," he continued.

There's still more?

"I thought saying that on the date would have been more manly, but it seems like I won't be anytime soon," he said, then added, 

"I love you, (Y/N)."

The words I had been dying to hear hit me like a tidal wave. My heart froze almost as if I hadn't felt this sensation before. He was still waiting for my reply. I cleared my throat and swallowed the lump inside it.

I pressed by lips into a thin line.

"Tell me this after three years when I get back."

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