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My full attention was drawn to the neighbor's window. I didn't dare to look in the direction of the man.

"I'm aware of your presence." I flinched as he asserted himself.

That surprised me.

I cocked my head, and there he was, peering right into my soul.

I straightened myself up and whispered, "I believe I should go inside then."

I was simply taking the cool wind, which was assisting me in reducing my headache.

I didn't saw anything. My eyes didn't poke in.

The silver man stopped me as I was ready to enter.

"You seem to have seen everything."

Of course, I had a front-row seat to everything. Also, you staged the scenario in front of my house, and I was there to watch it all. If one of those girls makes a complaint against you, I doubt I'll be able to aid you.

"I did," I said. My head is cocked, and my arms are folded against my chest. What's the point of saying "I didn't" when my dude spotted me staring at them?

Whatever, ugh.

He just stared at me through his sunglasses for ten seconds, as if I were an unknown creature-

"What?" I sarcastically asked.

He laughed and removed his glasses half way through, displaying the most stunning pair of blue eyes I'd ever seen. Wow.

"Ah, I see."

What exactly did you see?

I averted my gaze as he simply shook his head and stuffed his hand into his pocket.

I'm not sure whether I should go inside or not right now. It's confusing because a part of me wants to go in while the other half tells me not to.

Yes, and I chose the second option.

"It must've been difficult seeing it every day."

My expression became very serious. 'It must've been difficult seeing it every day.' So you're saying you've been aware of my presence for a long time. Okay.

"It's extremely difficult..." I muttered, my fingers resting on the baluster.

"But that's not my problem." With a shrug of his shoulder, he exclaimed. My lips parted in disbelief as I scowled.

"Wow, that's a lot of arrogance." My eyes narrowed into a glare. He let out a snort.

"You can't do anything about it, can you?"

My throat became dry. The words became trapped in my throat.

Oh my god, I've never seen somebody with such boldness.

LOOK! His appearance and behavior are as different as day and night. What the f-

"Shouldn't you mind your own business and ignore it? Madame simply stood there, staring at everything and making weird faces."

HEY! Don't reveal me-wait, he noticed that as well?!

I wish I had the courage to tell him that, but the words just won't come out.

Why is it the case?

"As if you weren't the one who was at fault! Why are you doing this in front of my house? There are so many other sites nearby, but Your Eminence had to do 'things' here over and over again." I groaned and rolled my eyes at the same moment.


That was very loud of me. Oh no.

He fixed his stare on me, his glasses raised above his head, and he flexed his damned eyes like if it were worth watching all day. Of course it is. Who am I kidding to?

It's worsening my headache.

"Geez, you're going to wake up the whole neighborhood." He chuckled as I clenched my fist and twitched an eye. But I remained silent. What am I supposed to say?

If looks could kill, I would have been dead already.

"Cat got your tongue or sum?"

With a shake of my head, I expressed my dissatisfaction. Simply put, I'm sick. I'm tired of everything. Will you help me in reducing it? I have a feeling you won't, and you'll make things worse.


I took a breath and blinked twice. "I said it out loud, didn't I ?"

He grinned.

"Unfortunately, I won't be able to help you. I have many important things in my hands."

My face fell to the floor. Are you for real?

"See ya."

And he just walked away, fixing his glasses, like it was nothing. I even heard him laugh in the distance.

I can feel the veins forming on my forehead.

"(Y/N), can you help me here." My mom shouted from downstairs.

I stood there for a while, watching the tall figure fade away.

I rolled my eyes, frustrated, and tried to divert my attention. But there is one thing I am certain of.

He's a complete jerk.

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