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What the actual hell?

I blinked several times, even rubbed it a bit.

No matter how many times I look at it, it's still the same.

The. Damn. Silver. Hair. Jerk. That man from yesterday, sitting on the railing of the footpath, facing towards where I was.

I have one question on my mind. Why? Why are you here again?

"Don't make that face, I might assume that you don't like my presence."

Don't like my presence? I hate it. My eyes twitched a bit as I tried to calm my breathing while staring at the smugly smiling man in front of me.

"Good morning." He yawned, stretching his arms above his head.

I let out a tired sigh as I tore my attention away from him.

WHY? Why is he here again? Just why?

I massaged my head real quick before facing him again. "What brings you here?" This early in the morning, not to mention. "Ah... let me guess, there's another woman in the line."

He stood up, then snickered, shoving his hands inside his pocket. "Nah, This time it's not, sadly."

"Then, why are you here?"

He raised his head, and my eyes focused on my reflection in the black glasses he was wearing. "I am just checking whether you're still alive or not." I squinted down at the half-serious, half-thoughtless guy as I raised a brow.

He's checking whether I'm alive or not? What kind of bullshit is this guy spitting?

"I am fine, as you can see now. How about you respectively leave?" I smiled, propping my elbows on the baluster as I laid my chin on the back of my crossed hands. He looked emotionless for a while as he didn't even speak or anything. And the smile on my face became wider just by looking at the not-so-innocent look he was giving me.

"So rude and for what?" He took out his glasses, and when he did, my face dropped its smile when the bright blue eyes looked at me.

Oh my god, his eyes. If I had enough time on my hands then, I would stare at it all day and night. But it's not the time to have that kind of thought.

"No, I meant, it's too early." Early for everything. It takes me 10 minutes to realize that I am awake when internally, I certainly am not.

"It is?"

Sir, it's 6 in the morning. What the heck are you even saying? Even the damn sun hasn't risen properly. "Yeah."

He softly hummed as he looked around his left and right, then at the sky. "By the way, how's your headache?"

Not in a good state as you are here. You know, I thought of saying the same thing, but, then I realized something, how did he know that I had a headache? I did say I was sick and spout some nonsense which I don't want to recall. Anyways, I don't think I even mentioned the headache.

"How did you know that I have a headache." I squinted my eyes at him.

"Huh? Don't you have?"

Ah, yes, I do, but the real question is- How did you know?

"That was just my guess. Judging from the look, it looks like I am right. My luck's shining, huh."

My face dropped from 100 to 0 real quick. A 'guess'? That was a very 100/100 guess you got there, sir. Not suspicious.

"Seems like the medicine didn't work, must be painful~." He tilted his head, mocking me.

One part of me wants to smack his face, and again, the other part warns me about the beauty I must preserve. Boy, that's some rare beauty, and I need to save it by not doing any physical harm.

On second thought, I can't argue with his words. The medicine I have been taking didn't even show any effect. My headache is still the same. I just wore some Vicks to reduce a little pain, even tho it's been for a while. A temporary solution to give airiness to my head. I can't even work, forget about the daily activities; I can't even concentrate properly. First, when it started, I didn't care much as it had happened before. So, for a couple of weeks, I went to work even tho I had a headache. Now, it's being too much for me to tolerate, and see, this woman had asked for vacation. Just kidding, I just took some days off.

I was snapped back to reality when the man down there chuckled deeply. "Okay, I'll stop goofing around." He said, raising his arms while shrugging a bit.

Ahh, what?

He took some steps backward and looked up at me with his second and third fingers pointed in a gun-like gesture. "Bang." He motioned his hand as he said that.

I glared at him, thinking, what the heck is he even doing?

That's when the realization strikes me.

"It feels... light?" My eyes opened wide as a low gasp escaped me. I immediately looked at the smirked face human being who was humming to himself. I caressed my head to make sure I wasn't hallucinating.

"Wait, my-

"Thank me later, see ya." He set his glasses on while turning himself to leave.

"Hey! Wait!"

He can't just leave without explaining this witchcraft; he just did.


He didn't even listen to me and continued to walk.

"What the-urgh!" I punch the baluster before running downstairs.

"Huh? Where are you going?!" My mom yelled as she saw me rush towards the door.

"I'll be back." I slammed the door open after that short notice. By the time I reached outside, in the pathway, the place was empty. He wasn't even there. It was like, he just vanished into thin air. How was he able to get out of here so quickly.

I was momentarily speechless, rooted to the ground in the middle of the road.

"(Y/N), get inside! Didn't you say that you have a headache?" Mom called me.

I blinked a few times while scratching my head. "Yes, mother..."

It blows my mind how he got out of here this fast. He seriously 'Evanesco' himself.


"Yeah, I am coming." Shortly after the response, I got inside.

But another thing she didn't know was the bright blue eyes watching her, from the sky.

"It's finally done."

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