A Complicated Teenager

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Luxury and power were very trivial things to Zhao Yunlan. From his childhood, he has basked in the power of wealth and has been living a very carefree fulfilling life. Because his father is the biggest dog in the underworld, and owns numerous (il)legal business in every corner of the city. His father Zhao Xin Ci's name was almost everyday in newspaper, praising him, buttering him up, and those were mostly done by corrupted politicians. Because for ordinary citizen, Zhao group was a hellhole. Everyone was scared of them and would try to avoid at any cost. In the monopolistic kindom of Zhao family, Zhao Xin Ci was the most fearsome tyrant.

Zhao Yunlan naturally followed his father's footsteps. He saw how money and power overpowers everything in every field. He was intelligent from the very start so when he partly joined the group to help, it flourished more than ever.

*ring ring*

A very peaceful soul was sleeping on a large round bed in the middle of a room. The person turned over hearing the call, his hand messily trying to locate the phone. Annoyed. He didn't even care about the things he knocked over to get his phone.

"What is it?"

The caller apologized knowing he woke him up. But he was following that currently annoyed person's orders only.

"Whatever. Did you get rid of them? " Zhao Yunlan, woke up from his deep slumber, but still laying down.

"Yes. That's why I called you to inform. " The person the phone said.

"Great. At least you have some good news to give me after you disturbed my sleep. " Yunlan said and cut the call, his eyes still can not get used to the light.

"Um.. What about their family? " The voice asked hesitantly.

Zhao paused for a moment and then he said, "I don't want any potential danger to live. Mind that. "

"I understand. " The phone disconnected.

*knock knock*

"Fucking what?" Yunlan roared.

"S-sorry sir." A maid, from outside, said in a feeble voice, "Shen Wei told me to wake you up sir. He said you have an important appointment. "

"Damn it. Get out. " Yunlan said, now fully awake. The maid ran as if her life depended on it.

He mournfully remembered about his meeting with his dad. And he told his bodyguard/caretaker Shen Wei to wake him up no matter what.

Zhao Yunlan,though, followed his father, he was not very fond of him. That man seemed like a trouble to him, a trouble more than he can handle. A part of him, feared the man, like everyone do. But he never let it show of course. He is that man's son after all.

He got up. Took a shower and got dressed up in a hurry. To double check, he stood in front of the mirror.
A very handsome man, with a black leather pants, deep brown coat over a grey top, was reflected on the mirror. He smirked at his reflection and left with confident steps.

He was humming a little song, coming out of his large, finely modulated house and his eyes fell on his bodyguard Shen Wei, who has disturbed his sleep this morning and now waiting for him calmly.

Shen Wei was leaning against a black mercedes, his pale jade like skin creating such a fine contrast to the eyes, that he almost looked heavenly. Zhao would always see Shen Wei waiting for him here, but he still can not get used to him no matter how many times he sees him. He smiled unconsciously.

Then he feigned anger. He stepped closer to him,
"You! You called me in the morning... Why did you again tell a maid to wake me up? You could have just reminded me then! " He complained.

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