Hide and Seek

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Till the evening everything was idle, Shen Wei was just sitting in the office rook, overviewing some files that Chu Suzuhi has brought for him, knowing fully well that Zhao Yunlan is with the company manager,talking about business properties. He was given time till the evening, to arrange things for him. Zhao Xin Ci is not in the office now, he will come by later at night.

Even though Shen Wei's eyes were directed to the papers in front of him, his mind wasn't. He thought about Yunlan. What was he doing? Sillyly laughing with the manager or seriously talking about business with attention? Is he impatiently waiting for all this ruckus to be over so that he could sleep?

Thinking about this and that, suddenly his mind reverted back to a day before he joined Zhao Xin Ci and became Yunlan's boduguard. Quite a few years ago.

Five people, on the roof of five different buildings, were targeting a person, no a young lad of thirteen or fourteen exiting from his academy.
Among those five people there was a scawny boy of sixteen, held a sniper riffle in his hand, ready to shoot any moment.
His hands were dangerously close to the trigger and his face was void if any hesitation.The boy was wearing a ear piece and a voice came through that alerting the boy.
"Hold up Shen Wei. Don't forget you are not to kill but to scare. Zhao Xin Ci is enjoying his fearless life in this nameless city for many years without anyone raising their heads in front of him. We are here to give him his doom. But now is not the right time. Slow down. "

Young Shen Wei bit his lips hard enough to bleed, "How am I supposed to do that? Isn't that... His son? That bastard's son? If we kill him right here and now, I guess we will surely give him a good warning. "

The voice spoke calmly, "No. You are not allowed to. Shen Wei, put down your gun. "

Shen Wei gritted his teeth. His eyes were full of murderous intent towards the boy whom they were targeting. After a few minutes he calmed down and was able to tore off his gaze from that boy.

The boy who was unknown of five people targeting him, walked carefree, a little worn out, but still his eyes were sparkling of youth. The road was very crowded because it was the academy campus and students were leaving for the day.

It was peaceful until a luxurious but reckless black car jumped in between the crowd, driving as they please, almost hitting the students. Then the car stopped right in front of the boy.

Two or three muscular people came out from the car and and stood in front of the boy.

They addressed him with care  "Young master Yunlan. We are here to escort you home. "

The boy named Yunlan rolled his eyes, muttering something under his breathe.
Shen Wei was too far away but he could still feel the displeasure and hatred in that boy's eyes towards his own men.

Right after five seconds, the voice through the ear piece shouted, "Now."

And instantly, four snipers except Shen Wei started firing arbitrarily towards the car. Even though it seemed random, but all of them were well trained so none of the bullets hit the innocent students or any pedestrians. But it was still dangerous.

The crowd broke out in fright as the bullets started to shower from the sky. The boy named Yunlan was shocked but he quickly pulled himself together. He was too clever for his own good. He instantly picked up from where the bullets were coming.

Shen Wei knows because he saw Yunlan's eyes turning to those particular buildings where his other teammates were situated. Of course, Yunlan did not see the fifth location because Shen Wei did not shoot, but he figured out other's location in few seconds.

Yunlan said to his men, who were firing upwards, not really understanding from where the bullets were coming, "Stop shooting. Let's go. Freaking drive. Fast fast. "

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