First Rebellion

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The next morning Yunlan woke up with groggy eyes, his leg pain has subsided a little. He came out of his room and saw Chu just outside. He greeted Yunlan.

Yunlan just narrowed his eyes.
"Where is Shen Wei? " He asked.

Chu pointed towards the hall room. Shen Wei was standing in front of the see-through glass door, looking outside, his straight back facing Yunlan who just came dragging his legs.

He hopped down on the sofa and said with a little smile, "yo! Our little plan got butchered yesterday. What do you wanna say about it? "

Shen wei turned around with very little expression on his face.
"How is your leg? "

He slowly approached Yunlan and sat down too.

"You answer mine first, then I will answer yours. " Yunlan said cheekily becau somehow he always end up swaying because of this beautiful bodyguard in front of him.

"Hmm... I don't have anything to say. It's not unusual that your father will appoint some people to look after you. Your fiancee in the USA is also understand surveillance. "

"Whoa! That's annoying. " Yunlan gave an empty laugh. "Why is Boss Li letting father do what he want? I thought they were quite powerful and prestigious. "

"I am not sure. But probably because this marriage will actually benefit both families anyway, so they are not resisting that much. " Shen Wei said and again asked, "How is your leg? "

"It's fine. Still I am a lot uncomfortable but yeah I am getting used to it. " Yunlan smiled. "Do you remember the time when I injured my hands and you had to take care of me all the time? "

Shen Wei looked at Yunlan and placed his eyes somewhere random, "yes I do. Why? "

"It's nothing. It's just you are always there to take care of me whenever I am hurt or anything. " Yunlan said, a mischievous grin plastered on his moist lips.
Then he leaned closer on the sofa and gestured his hand for Shen Wei to come close too.

Shen Wei looked baffled and but shifted closer anyway. "What? "

"Shen Wei, do you think someone told father that we were planning to escape ? " Yunlan whispered.

"I don't know.. " Shen Wei's voice was soft like velvet but awkward.

Yunlan shrugged, "I actually doubt so. The person who informed father.. What do you think? Are they friend or enemy?"

Shen Wei was silent.
Then he said, "since you are the one who has doubt, then you can answer that question better. "

Yunlan was now rummaging his pocket for something sweet. He said, "Forget it. Shen Wei, don't act dumb. It doesn't suit you. Can you go and make me a coffee? "

Shen Wei was going to say something but decided not to, then he left to the kitchen.
Yunlan was sitting on the couch nonchalantly as he heard little tip-top sounds coming from the kitchen. He put a lolipop into his mouth, eyes unfocused, his mind distracted.

His trance was broken when Chu Suzuhi also came down and take another sofa to sit on.

Yunlan said cheekily, "aren't you tired! You have to babysit me for some days it seems."

Chu gave him a blank look and said, "as long as it's boss's order, I will do it. "

Yunlan dramatically pulled out the stick of lollipop from his mouth and said, "whoa! You didn't even deny it! Anyone would have said that 'it's not a problem, sir. '"

Chu blinked. "If that's what you want to hear I will say it, sir. "

Yunlan raised his eyebrows and then began to chew the lollipop aggressively.
"You are like Shen Wei. You both don't bother to sugar coat your words huh!  Damn you two. "

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