Tricks and Treats

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The following evening Yunlan went to meet his father grumbling all the way. This time not Shen Wei, but Chu Suzuhi drove him there. Through the road, he kept remembering what happened this morning after Shen Wei came back.

Hearing Yunlan's ever so shameless proposals Shen Wei just feel like he is done with his life. He mockingly glared at Yunlan and said in a serious voice, "Can't you be serious for once? It's important.. You know-"

Yunlan pressed his index against Shen Wei's lips, gently silencing him. "I don't understand your point Shen Wei. Making out is important too! "

Shen Wei pushed Yunlan lightly to get out the honey trap that Yunlan was spreading with a mischievous smile. He looked at Yunlan and said, "We will see about that if you can give consent to your engagement and convey it properly to your father. "

Yunlan raised his eyebrows while crossing his arms against his chest, "Why are you so eager for that? I will be another's then you know! "

Shen Wei sighed and said silently, "Not for long anyway. "

Even though he said it as lowly as possible, still Yunlan understood Shen Wei's words because his whole attention was on the man standing in front of him, not letting even slightest gesture to miss.

Yunlan dramatically exhaled and said, "Well good. At least you are not trying to ditche me. "

Shen Wei felt ridiculous and he instantly protested, "If that was the case, I wouldn't have kissed you-"

Saying that his mind reverted back to the point when he hungrily pulled Yunlan tighter last night, kissing him like it was the last day on earth.

And he was embarrassed, so he tried to distract by sayi other things, "Well you can go and say to your father that you will only marry Chen Li if your father can leave 30% of his business to you. Tell him that you want some independence that way and start a new life. "

"Bullshit." Yunlan huffed annoyed, "I don't want to take over his illegal works directly! I know that I do take care of some illegal activities to guard this Zhao group but you know that I have no direct dealings with the business. Because I feel like once I join him then there is no coming back for me. "

Shen Wei looked at him calmly and said, "I know you don't want that... "

Yunlan interrupted him, "No Shen Wei you don't understand! I- I feel like I am going into a battle against myself everytime I do things as my father says."

Shen Wei said harshly, "Still you end up doing things that hurt people hundred times more than your struggle. "

Yunlan stopped talking. It's not that Shen Wei is wrong. His hand is really as dirty as his father and he really has no excuse for it. Can one really give excuse for taking someone's life or destroying someone's everything? The emptiness that Yunlan feels again tries to starngle him down, like he is in the bottom of ocean.

Unintentionally, he averted his eyes and his hand gripped the back of the sofa tightly to get support.

Seeing how troubled Yunlan was Shen Wei felt an uneasiness in his heart. It's not like he talked harshly to Yunlan this first time, but his heart clenched regretfully.

He stepped closer and out his hand Yunlan's hand which was so tight that it almost turned red.

The familiar coldness in Shen Wei's hand put back Yunlan's mind in his right place and he stared at Shen Wei, looking defeated, "it feels like you hate me sometimes, then again you do something that makes me think that you are on my side." He laughed sadly, "I am so confused. "

"All I know that I won't hurt you. Don't ask me for other things. I can not answer. " Shen Wei said avoiding Yunlan' s gaze. His facade is very vulnerable to Zhao's eyes, which can see through everything.

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