A Fake Date

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As long as Yunlan can remember, Shen Wei was always by his side from when he was 16 and Shen Wei was 19. The life before that time was very confusing to Zhao Yunlan. He doesn't really want to remember the past so his mind blocked it for him, only remaining few fragments of his childhood. He remember his father' s harsh reprimandation and immense pressure. He remember being hospitalized two or three times but he doesn't remember the reason anymore.

But he still remembers the day when his father introduced Shen Wei to him, a rebellious teenager Zhao Yunlan who would talk back to anyone except his father.

The lean petite boy with slender delicate arms and long legs, did not look that strong so when his father told him that he is a bodyguard, Yunlan was really surprised. Yunlan could swear he looked like a beautiful charming prince from a fairytale. But he is too cold. He doesn't smile, doesn't talk much, just followed Yunlan like a shadow.

But the difference was in his eyes. So beautifully laced and full of strong determination that he can not fathom. It was weirdly attractive to Yunlan. After only meeting Shen Wei for a day, Yunlan knew this boy is not like others. He does not flatter, does not talk unnecessarily, manners on point like a royalty, and someone whose expression does not falter.

Strangely, Yunlan wanted to be like him. He hated Shen Wei at first, somehow he felt like Shen Wei was making him feel how weak he was. So he ordered harsh things when Shen Wei first came to work for him. Like sending him alone in a den of loafers, gangsters or dangerous people. Shen Wei was beaten up numerous times but he didn't say a word of protest.
As Yunlan grew up, he started to understand how childish he is. He stopped doing those things and started to talk with the silent bodyguard with his careless remarks about this or that. It took him quite a time to break the ice of Shen Wei and make him converse with him.

And slowly, he understood how hard Shen Wei's heart is.
How he never allowed one genuine expression on his face, never showed any of his opinions, neither distress nor compliments. He took it all like dead wall.

So when, just now, Zhao Yunlan first went against his father's orders, he saw Shen Wei's eyes glow.

He was surprised to see Shen Wei look happy, anticipating for the first time in his life. And somehow he thought his rebellion will be worth it.

But now Zhao Yunlan is clasping both of his ear and rolling on the bread, thinking what may happen when his father will get to know.

He thought, 'I should have just escaped alone or something! '

The next morning, Yunlan woke up very late. But as soon as he got up, he got a message from his father.

His hand shook a little but he opened the message which said
"Don't be kind to enemy foolishly Yunlan. I will overlook your deed. But your fiancee has come back from USA, because her father is sick. Take her to a date. I don't want to hear anything against it. "

He replied, "Dad, the wound on my leg opened up. I want to take rest for some days. "

Almost immediately a reply came.
"Don't be a kid. I won't be repeating myself. "

Yunlan frustrated threw his phone. Like always, his father only gives order without taking him into consideration.

He didn't even ask if Yunlan was ok or not even after knowing that he was in the middle of the shootout yesterday.

He huffed in disappointment but not surprised.
His legs were really troubling a little. He dragged his leg down to the drawing room and saw Shen Wei and Chu talking among themselves. They quickly stopped conversing seeing Yunlan.

Yunlan put on a dumb face and approached them.
"Chu... You did not get any order to ground me or beat me up? "
Chu looked at him weirdly but said politely, "no not at all. Why do you think so? "

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