The Weird Engagement

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When Yunlan came out in the hall, fully clad in his engagement suit, his father was fuming in anger.
But he did not spare a glance at him but had a very mysterious smile on his lips as he looked towards his would to be bride, in a beautiful white dress, looking like an celestial angel.
Then he glanced at Chu Suzuhi, who was standing with an indifferent face like as always, beside his father.

Shen Wei also came along with Yunlan and stood in his assigned position.

With rather jolly steps Yunlan went to Cheng Li and stood beside her with a broad smile.
Something was up. Cheng Li suspected that Yunlan is not his usual self. She whispered in a low voice, "Aren't you looking too happy? Don't tell me you want to get married to me that much?" She had a teasing smile in her face too.

Yunlan also said with same energy, "weren't you interested in Shen Wei more than me? What happened? "

She said gritting her teeth as if she was disappointed, "He is too much like a beautiful stone sculpture. Like a dead statue."

Yunlan had a smirk on his conspicuous face, "oh yeah? Then let me be your perfect husband. "

"Huh? " Before Cheng Li could express her doubt,  a group of two people came with two small boxes in each of their hands. Both of them took one and opened it to see a simple but glorious diamond rings in it.

Zhao Xin Ci clapped his hands and said, "after a lot of troubles and contrasts of mind, we two family are finally tying the knot and i just feel like that my dream just came true. Now let's begin the important ceremony with everyone's affirmation and blessing towards this beautiful couple. "

Shen Wei rolled his eyes inwards thinking that how this hypocrite actually think that it is a joyous occasion when he is pressuring his own son and his in-laws.
But Yunlan's unexpected happy mood was really getting to him also. Knowing Yunlan from a very young age he knew that Yunlan was up to something very mischievous. Shen Wei just had a weird feeling that he can not really put a finger on.

Yunlan smiled brightly as he asked for Cheng Li's hand. She had a bitter face because Yunlan was acting weird. Until yesterday, it felt like Yunlan wants to escape all this but now it does not seem like it at all. She almost want to smack Yunlan but of course she fought that urge. She could not help but take  a glance at Shen Wei who was not standing too far.

Since time was ticking, she extended her arms towards Yunlan and Yunaln put a ring on her. She did the same thing but with hesitation.

Then unexpectedly, Yunlan coughed and cleared his voice to say, "I am so honoured to have such a beautiful fiancee and I am so looking forward to our future together. "

He said that and Shen Wei listened with his mouth open and thought about how unnecessary that action was.
But then he saw Yunlan grab Cheng Li and he kissed her voluntarily.

The girl was so shocked that she froze in her spot. After few seconds he parted with a very baffled Cheng Li, who finally processed what happened, and now was starting to make a face full of murderous intent.

The kiss was totally not on the list today. It is usually reservwd for marriage.

Shen Wei gritted his teeth unknowingly, his eyes were now burning and pouring gaze full of anger at Yunlan's smiling face.

It was only because Shen Wei was looking at Yunlan and him only, he saw how Yunlan's eyes flickered to Chu Suzuhi for a moment.

Suddenly Shen Wei had a thought.

Zhao Xin Ci was really delighted on the side actually. He exclaimed, "Wow I didn't know you two have gotten so close with each other. I am so glad to see that. We all hope the day of the marriage comes sooner. "

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