Friend or Foe

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Cheng Meng was really shocked at that demand. He could not control his gaze and  his eyes fell on Shen Wei first and then Yunlan. He quickly averted his eyes, looking worried.

He looked at Cheng Li, a little helplessly. He can not just decide it by himself, he need to know his daughter's wish.

Cheng Li pursed her lips, thinking, considering everything.

Yunlan wanted to protest, "Wait father.... What are you saying? "

Zhao Xin Ci gritted his teeth, "its for your own good Yunlan. Whatever I said, is final. "

Cheng Li said after a moment. " Okay. But I have a condition. It's hard so please listen to me. "

Zhao Xin Ci frowned and nodded indicating to state her opinion.

Cheng Li said finally, "I have an exam due in USA. I have plans to go there... After I return, I will do as you wish sir. "
Cheng Li's dominant eyes and determination impressed Zhao Xin Ci a lot. He agreed to it.

He declared, "then it is decided. "

He went to Cheng Meng and hugged him, who awkwardly returned his gesture.

Yunlan was feeling ridiculous. He looked at Cheng Li with contempt. Cheng Li looked back at Yunlan with same intensity.

Zhao Xin Ci said, "you should take Yunlan home, Shen Wei. He is very tired. "
Yunlan looked at his father annoyed. He turned over without Shen Wei's help ,ignoring the pain in his leg and left.

Shen Wei bowed to the little crowd and left.

At Yunlan's home,

"Who the heck want to get married? I am barely a teenager! Cheng Li is a fine girl but what the hell? " Yunlan can't accept all these rushed decisions his father made for his own benefit. He slammed his hand fiercely at the table.

He was half laying down on the sofa, his legs were soaking in the warm water.

Shen Wei was sitting also with him, and he said after a few seconds, "it is not really right now but after Cheng Li's return from USA. "

"Well same thing. " Yunlan squeezed his own ears and shut his eyes, wishing all of this should just go away from his life.

Then he sat up straight abruptly, "Hey Shen Wei! Did you look into those kidnappers as I told you to? "

"I am sorry I could not get any data about them. I have asked Chu to investigate a little. " Shen Wei said.

"Huh?? Chu Suzuhi?? He is my father's handyman. Ughh it will be a problem if my father gets a hunch of it. " Yunlan said desperately.

"Why? It isn't that out of place action to look into those people who attacked you. Is there a problem if your father knows about it? Well I don't think Chu will tell your father about that. So relax. " Shen Wei said fixing his eyes on Yunlan.

"Shen Wei. Yes its not problem to investigate those kidnappers but what if that offends father? That's why it's best to avoid that. " Yunlan said, his eyes restless.

"What? Why would it offend a father if his son searches about his attacker.... Wait.. You think your father is the one who set it up? " Shen Wei's pupils dilated as he looked at Yunlan confused.

"Don't you think all of these are very perfectly combined? Father taking me to a party for the first time, introducing me to Cheng Li, urging me to go with her where I get kidnapped and then pressuring Cheng Li's father to promise an arranged marriage of two families. Whoa! " Yunlan said irritated.

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