Drunken Dream

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The whole way Shen Wei did not say anything. But again he didn't talk much at the first place. It was Yunlan who was abnormally quiet. A blabbermouth like him can only be quiet when he is super embarrassed and let me tell you it is not easy to make Yunlan embarrass who is known for his naughty and shameless self!

When Shen Wei reached Yunlan's house, it was begining to get quite late. Yunlan quickly entered the house and got into it. He felt like he and Shen Wei needed to talk and Shen Wei won't talk unless they are home, somewhere secure.

Shen Wei followed him like he always does and locked the door. Then he felt like he was getting a headache because of certain someone and started to massage his temple. He thought how Yunlan doesn't know that Chu Suzuhi could have killed him today for his antics, if he wasn't there.

Yunlan looked at Shen Wei and flashed a crooked smile, "if the situation was something else, then I would say that you look very sexy and hot being angry like that. But right now, I am a little scared as it looks like you wanna beat me up. Hey don't forget that you are my bodyguard. I would not like to die in your hands! It would be a hilarious and ridiculous death."

Shen Wei clicked his tongue and said "So you want a honourable death? I am open to it too. "

Yunlan laughed weakly understanding Shen Wei's temper, "Xiao Wei ah~ it was just a joke! Don't tell me you are jealous? "

Shen Wei smiled at Zhao Yunlan and Yunlan felt his blood turn cold. Shen Wei said peacefully, "Who am I to interrupt anything between you and your future wife? "

Yunlan stepped closer and said, "Oh? If you ask me i will say you look very jealous. "

Shen Wei glared, "Is that why you did it? "
Yunlan shook his head instantly. When he thought of taking revenge on Chu, he really didn't think about what Shen Wei will think. But it's not bad to see him all worked up like that. Though Yunlan would not admit it.

But Yunlan did feel like he has gone a tad bit further. Even though there is nothing official between them, Yunlan would certainly not like it if Shen Wei kisses someone. Not that he can actually imagine it to happen, but still.

Yunlan scratched his head, "Ok ok. Let's say we are even.. ? You hide things from me and i didn't say anything. Now you can overlook a few things too. Right? "
He said as if he is offering a great deal.

Shen Wei turned away, making his way to the kitchen to get himself something to drink. And he said while going, "one day you will die in a ditch. You make enemies left and right. "

Yunlan shrugged shamelessly, "Trust me i have heard that too many times. Still I am alive and kicking. It's must be your magic then! "

Yunlan said and followed Shen Wei like a puppy, wagging his tail behind, again up to something.

When he went to the kitchen bar he saw Shen Wei taking out a big bottle of wine from the freezer and then pouring it into a glass. It was a behavior so unlikely to Shen Wei that Yunlan was shocked.

He said hurriedly, "Whoa whoa! Shen Wei..? You are not a drunkard... God! You don't even drink when I tell you to! Are you that angry because of that one kiss? That you have decided to get drunk today? On your own accord? Oh god what did I do! "

Shen Wei could not take Yunlan's nonsense anymore. He was sure that Yunlan was trying to lighten the mood but indirectly he kept reminding Shen Wei about that kiss, and Shen Wei was feeling disturbed little by little.

He tapped the glass on the table and Yunlan shut his mouth. Then a message came into Shen Wei's phone and he thanked God for the distraction as Yunlan has started to make puppy eyes towards him.

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