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Yunlan went to the accessory store thinking hard to buy a gift which will be suitable for one's fiancee.

A ring? Too romantic. Yunlan might start gagging before giving it.

Bracelet? Too ordinary? Yunlan was weighing that option when Shen Wei came to him.

"How can you leave her alone for such a long time? If those watchdogs tell your father, he will be mad. " Shen Wei stated.

"Help me choose something then? I have never bought a gift. " Yunlan said still looking through everything.

"Just pick up something. " Shen Wei scratched his head.

Yunlan looked at him with a grin, "Seems like you are in the position. "

"I will wait for you outside. Don't take too long. " Shen Wei said hurriedly avoiding Yunlan's gaze.

Yunlan quickly stopped him tugging at his overcoat.
"Don't go! Is there anything you like? Something that you will want as a gift? "

Yunlan's question made Shen Wei frown. He looked around and shook his head firmly saying, "No."

"Ah! You are not romantic at all! " Yunlan pinched him a little. But Shen Wei's face didn't change at all.
Yunlan was dissatisfied. He shook his hand busily saying, "Go go. Wait outside. You are useless. "

Shen Wei came outside the store and stood like a robot. He thought to himself, 'Why do you need to be romantic for a fake fiancee? '

After 15 minutes, Yunlan finally came out of the store. He saw Shen Wei standing leaning on the gate, he smiled and approached him.

Walking like Yunlan did not know Shen Wei at all, he passed him through the side with busy steps.
Then he stopped abruptly and started walking backwards till he reached Shen Wei.
Then he tilted his head and smiled approaching him. He placed a hand on Shen Wei's left side, locking him in.

Then he licked his lips seductively and asked, "Yo handsome... You are alone here? "

Shen Wei just had enough. He can never read Yunlan's mood.
He pushed Yunlan with one finger and stood steadily, "Don't mess around. Let's go. "

Yunlan laughed and followed the latter like a puppy. Shen Wei suddenly stopped and asked, "Do you think I would not notice you putting something in my pocket while trying to act crazy? "

Yunlan huffed, "I was not acting crazy. It's called flirting. Seriously! Your dictionary doesn't have many words, does it? "

Shen Wei had an unbothered face. Zhao Yunlan and his antics, he had seen too much!
He tried to pull out the thing which Yunlan just put in, but Yunlan stopped him.
"Not now! See it later. Let's go. Wait for me outside. " Yunlan said and went away with casual steps.

Shen Wei stood there for sometime. He tried to put his hand in the pocket, but stopped midway. He shrugged his shoulder defeated and went outside to wait for him. Seemed like their date is already finished.

Yunlan was walking quite happily towards whee Chen Li was sitting. Hearing footsteps, Chen Li raised her eyes and saw Yunlan who was humming.

"For you. " He said as he tossed something on her lap. "My duty is finished. So let's see you later. "

Chen Li was eyeing the small jewelry box funnily. When she saw Yunlan leave, she stood up and held him back grabbing his jacket.
"Stop! Your father just invited me for lunch. He told me to come with you. " Chen Li said smirking.

Yunlan was annoyed to the max. "What the hell? He won't even let me eat in peace? Why don't I know another about it? "

Chen Li shrugged, "lets go. Let's go."

Quite unhappily, Yunlan brought Chen Li with him to his car and saw Shen Wei leaning on it, with one of his hand in a pocket and other hand holding the phone to his ear. He kept nodding slightly while talking to someone in the phone.

Yunlan's heart soared a little.
"What is he so beautiful for? " He murmured in low voice but Chen Li heard it by chance.

She blinked looking at Yunlan, and then Shen Wei. Yunlan didn't notice her scrutinizing both of them. He was staring intently at someone when he heard her say, "ohhoo."softly.

Yunlan didn't bother to ask anything and walked towards Shen Wei like a magnet.

As soon as Yunlan approach, Shen Wei said a final 'yes' to his phone and disconnected the call.
He said, " Your father called. Told me to drive you two to the company. Please get in. "

Chen Li nodded and got in, but her lips had a trace of mockery.

Yunlan said gloomily, "How come he doesn't tell me anything even about those thing which concerns me! "

"Probably because you whine a lot. " Shen Wei said innocently.

Yunlan kicked the car abruptly and then held his legs out of pain. He pointed towards Shen Wei, feeling distressed, "you! You are probably my father's best no 2 supporter after that damn Suzuhi. "

He said complaining and got in the car with contempt.
When Yunlan got in the backseat he saw Chen Li smiling at him, actually sparkling. He was stunned.
"Why can i see stars in your eyes? "

Chen Li frowned, "Dude! Pay attention to your fiancee. " She aggressively pointed towards her ear.

It turns out Yunlan has chosen a very simple set of diamond earrings for her. She just opened the box to wear it.
Yunlan deadpanned, "ah. Wow. "

"Thank you for your reaction. You couldn't even see that i was wearing the earrings until I pointed it out. Great. Shen Wei what model is your watch? "
Chen Li suddenly asked.

Before Shen Wei could reply, Yunlan said causally, "It's a cheap local brand. I told him it doesn't suit him. "

Shen Wei was silent and heard Chen Li say quite distracted, "yeah.. It sure doesn't suit him. "

The lunch was nerve wrecking for Yunlan. He doesn't even what they even talked about. He just kept sinking into the deep water from where he cannot free himself. It didn't even feel like Yunlan's presence was needed there.

Shen Wei and Chu Suzuhi weren't there, so Yunlan was kinda impatient. He wanted this to end. He would always find Chen Li amazing when she talked with her father as if nothing is wrong.

After the lunch Shen Wei and Chu Suzuhi both came to greet them. Then Shen Wei, Yunlan and Chen Li found an empty office room in the company to sit for awhile since Zhao Xin Ci wanted to drive her daughter-in-law home.

Chen Li sat on the sofa and stretched after eating contently, "Your father is such a good actor. "

Yunlan took a chair and smiled, "You too. "

Shen Wei just stood there motionless as if he isn't there, in a trance.
Then Zhao Yunlan asked him suddenly, "What do you and Chu always goof around about? "

"We don't. " Shen Wei said flatly. Yunlan pouted a little because Shen Wei dodged his question.

Chen Li saw their interaction and asked with curiosity, "Shen Wei! You are bodyguard right? "

Shen Wei looked at her blankly and said, "yes."

Chen Li shook her head, "You know, Mr. Xin Ci was praising you sooo much! To tell you the truth you are totally my type! "

"Huh? " Zhao Yunlan who was leanin back on the chair sluggishly, sat up straight. "You serious? "

Chen Li smiled at Yunlan and said excited, "Why don't you give me Shen Wei? Look! You need to get out of this marriage. And i told you I will run away if I find someone suitable. I think Shen Wei is just fine for that! Both of our problems will ne solved! What do you think? "

Shen Wei and Zhao Yunlan both said simultaneously, "what? "

Please look forward to the next chapter!
It will be a treat!

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