Passing Dangers

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The next morning Shen Wei woke up with immense headache, and a lot of missed calls from his friend Chu Suzuhi. He looked bedside him only to find Zhao Yunlan passed out, still living in his dreamland.
Shen Wei said lowly with annoyed voice, "You are such a piece of work. "

Shen Wei slapped his forehead. He was supposed to meet Chu Suzuhi and the others to check things over because the final moment is coming very near. Time is not going slower but faster for him. This tom and Jerry relationship will not last long and probably that's why he has given in to Yunlan. After thinking that Shen Wei shook his head. The truth is that he just can't resist a certain shameless boy. Nowadays he thinks about him a lot more than his own future .

But Yunlan has to die....

He is protecting Yunlan, and it is his job to keep Yunlan safe before executing his plan properly. But is that all?

Shen Wei found himself in a turmoil. No, he did not come here to be a honey trap or something. Never ever. His job was to gain trust from a very cunning and shrewd man like Zhao Xin Ci. This thing that he shared with Yunlan was genuine yet scary. He did not mean it to happen. If Chu Suzuhi finds out what Shen Wei is actually thinking it will be a problem. He held his head. No he can't do that. That will be selfish.

It is not only his revenge.

Yunlan moved in his sleep and Shen Wei stopped thinking. He pried over the languid body shamelessly, not being able to take his eyes off. So he got caught.

Yunlan woke up and blinked. Then he saw Shen Wei, and a playful smile formed on his lips,
"What? Are you still drunk? "

The obviously flirty voice made Shen Wei break his thoughts which was not good anyway.
He said faking a straight face, "You shouldn't have gotten me drunk last night. "

"You are the one who wanted to drug me.. I have to add.Very sincerely. " Yunlan laughed his usual grin somehow making Shen Wei feel lighter.

Shen Wei got up. It's dangerous. This man is dangerous, if his smile can make Shen Wei think that he is in heaven.... Then he has to wake up before he gets deluded.
He suddenly got annoyed. Yunlan is the freaking honey trap!

"I need to go... " Shen Wei murmured before going to Yunlan's washroom without even asking.
Yunlan got up and sat on the bed, feeling a little dumbfounded.
"What the heck happened to the polite Shen Wei??"

In 10 minutes, Shen Wei came out, in a perfectly fine manner that you would not be able to guess that how drunk he was last night. His shirt, not even a little bit wrinked even though he was wearing the same shirt from last night.

Suddenly Yunlan had an idea.
"Xiao Wei ah~ why don't you borrow my shirt?? That shirt does not look that good... " Yunlan faked.

Shen Wei narrowed his eyes at him. He looked at the mirror but did not find anything that abnormal so he turned around and commented, "You are the last person from whom I would like to take advice about how to stay clean. Your room is like a garbage dump-"

"Hey hey! Don't roast me right in the morning. I get it I get it. Shen Wei ah you look beautiful! But your husband is hungry... Do something about it. " Yunlan almost whined after he realized that his meticulous idea of seeing Shen Wei in his clothes, has failed.

Shen Wei clicked his tongue, "I am in a hurry.. And i am definitely not your husband. Use those coquettery terms with your flings or your fiancee whom you kissed last night. "

Yunlan tilted his head, "I kissed you too last night though. Did you forget? Then let's do it again! "

"You sound like a total playboy.... Oh I forgot you are one! " Shen Wei snapped.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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