Your Lover

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After what Zhao Yunlan said, Shen Wei could not stay silent anymore.

Actually the moment when he first saw Yunlan, he hated him. He hated with with all his hearts. As the people around him said, Yunlan was living the life that he was supposed to live.
They were inseparable from that day because of Zhao Xin Ci's order to monitor Zhao 24/7.

One day he found, the sixteen year old boy crying, hiding in his room. Devastated and heart wrenching sobs filled the room, Shen Wei could hesitated to enter the room. It was not like he wanted to console the boy nor he knew what happened. But he felt that his hatred over Zhao Xin Ci just multiplied by several folds.
He clenched his teeth, 'what a father! Can't even take care of his son.'

He was himself not that older than Yunlan. So he went into the room and said like an inanimate object, "Stop crying. Your father is doing everything for you. "

Yunlan who was still not mature missed the hatred and enmity laced in the voice of young Shen Wei. He instantly wiped his tears, not wanting to show his weakness and said, "what are you talking about? Do you think I told him to do these things that I can't even make a friend I trust, everywhere I go, people makes distance with me, starts to gossip seeing me? If anything bad happens they think I am the reason of it. Do you think I want all that? "

That answer broke something in Shen Wei and he laughed in himself, 'of course Zhao Xin Ci only does things for himself. '

That day unconsciously he found himself patting the boy in front of him. And from that day even he could realize that he has soften up for the boy. Shen Wei is the sole witness of Zhao Yunlan's suffering through the years till the day now. Yunlan has grown up now, and he has learned to maks his feelings too perfectly.

The sorrowful heart that can sympathize  but also scared that he will be misinterpreted, taken advantage of, for that person Shen Wei's affection only grew larger and the feelings were rooted deep inside his heart, unable to express himself.

So again, he found himself responding to Yunlan's cold touch but the place he touched only grew warmer.
As soon as those forbidden words left Zhao's lips, Shen Wei pulled him closer to block his lips with his own.

He kissed him, in the heat of moment, he kissed him. Part of him was scared of Zhao Yunlan's newfound courage to confess and part of him was scared of his own self. But nonetheless he lost his control over himself.

He whispered with great strength, "Don't talk... You.. Bastard.. "

Zhao Yunlan smiled, more genuinely than ever, "What are you? A tsundere?"

Shen Wei glared at him but Zhao was too cheerful to notice that.
"Since you won't let me talk then... "

Saying that it was the only way he again put his lips on Shen Wei and this time also Shen Wei responded with the same intensity.
Yunlan's hand roamed around Shen Wei's slender frost neck and the he locked his finger in his hair.

Their feverish kiss was going to last for some time more but a knock interrupted them and Shen Wei pushed Yunlan abruptly.

Chu was standing awkwardly in the middle of the situation. He was thinking if he should just leave or not but decided to spoil the fun anyway.

"Fuck... You ungrateful rascal.. Don't you have some conscience? " Yunlan spat out bitterly.

Chu tried to ignore Yunlan's killing intent and said solemnly, "I am here to take Shen Wei on Zhao Xin Ci's order. "

Yunlan cursed under his breathe hoping that lightening may strike him soon. He was going to say, "He is busy, he can't go-"

"I am coming. " Shen Wei quickly said and left the room with quick steps as soon as possible.

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