Surrendering feelings

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The feelings that Shen Wei has for Yunlan, is not something that Shen Wei would like to have actually. On the contrary, it's really bothering him. He is too scared to explore his own mind. So for the time being, he has already decided not to get too swayed in this new but overwhelming thing he is feeling.

The next two days was calm and too peaceful. Shen Wei and Yunlan met several times with Zhao Xin Ci and visited the office to finalize his taking over.
It was surprising that Yunlan did not try to take advantage of the situation where Shen Wei got caught or tease him about it. He did not even shamelessly flirt with him all the time like he did before. And honestly that made Shen Wei uncomfortable.

But whenever he would try to walk up to him and maintain a normal business like face in front of Zhao Yunlan, Yunlan would just dramatically pout or ignore Shen Wei deliberately which made it very clear that Yunlan is indeed upset and he wants Shen Wei to ask about it first.

After that office incident, both of them acted like nothing happened but it seems like Yunlan doesn't want to actually. He was giving Shen Wei silent treatment and he knows it. So right before the day of engagement, Shen Wei bursted out,
"Damn you Yunlan.. You are so childish. "

Yunlan and him were not in same place today so Shen Wei called Yunlan after mulling over it a few times.

First two attempt were failure.

Only the third call was picked up by Yunlan. He asked in a groggy voice, "for fuck's sake Shen Wei it's the middle of the night. If I did not know you too well I would think that you are in some threatening danger. "

Shen Wei was silent for some time and then said back, "Then shouldn't you pick up my call a little earlier? I may end up dead by the time you pick up, if I have to call you in such situation. "

There was a mocking laughter on the other end. Then Yunlan said, "I don't think that you would even consider calling me in that situation. After all you are just playing with my innocent feelings-"

"Hold on hold on. Who is "innocent" again? Are you talking about yourself? And why are you talking like that you have memorized what to say from earlier? " Shen Wei could not help but ask.

".... How do you know? I actually went over quite a few times what to say to you in my mind if you try to reach me. " Yunlan admitted cheekily.

Shen Wei sighed at that shamelessness. He was sure at that point that Yunlan is just teasing him.

He asked then, "Then did you decide what else to do aside from nagging me? "

"Hmmmm.... I actually have a few questions for you that I want you to answer honestly. But I don't know if I am of any importance to you that you would take me seriously-" Yunlan again went on.

"Again stop! Why are you being like this? Uhh.. What do you want to ask me?"
Shen Wei asked a little frustrated.

"I will ask you tomorrow. I want you to be present in front of me. Also don't worry it's not regarding my father's office break in.... I kind of already figured that out. So I want to ask something else. " Yunlan said with a smirk.

Shen Wei held his forehead not knowing what this cunning man thought of and how much more he has figured things out. It is also Shen Wei's fault. He has let his guard a lot time to time giving Yunlan permission to sneek in. Even though his face does not show any emotion , he thinks that Yunlan probably can read hik like a book sometimes.

On the other hand, Yunlan will probably be always a mystery to him. But that's why.... Maybe that's why he is so attracted to him.

Shen Wei hit his forehead with the mobile and then accepted Yunlan's term defeated.
"Fine okay. Well I have a request. Can you please not be late for your engagement in the morning? I can not pick you up so I will meet you directly at the venue. Zhao Xij Ci wants some bodyguards to stay at the venue beforehand."

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