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Cheng Li lead the way, Yunlan following behind thinking what Shen Wei might be doing. He expected to arrive at the front gate from where he entered but Cheng Li lead her to the back door of the venue where there was a parking lot.

It seemed like after dropping the guests on the front door, the cars will make a circle around the venue and park in the back where there is a big parking lot.

Cheng Li said, "hey lets go there. They should have arrived already. "

They were having small pep talks and Yunlan miraculously felt comfortable every second. It seemed like this girl can give good company and she is charismatic also, totally unlike someone he knows.

Yunlan asked, "I heard you guys are new to the town. And you already have friends? "

Cheng Li laughed, "I am a very outgoing person, you see. I make friends in seconds. Do you have any doubt about that? " She winked at Yunlan.
Yunlan sheepishly shook his head.

After they were at the parking lot, Cheng Li tried to contact her friends through her cell phone. It wasn't going through so she jumped here and there to find proper network connection.

Yunlan was standing still on his spot, laughing a little. That time, from a parked car behind him, a group of seven masked men suddenly came and made a circle around Yunlan very fast, locking him in.

"What the-" Before Yunlan could make a sound, someone hit him on his back with something like a baseball bat.

He groaned in pain. Cheng Li then turned around when she heard noise. She panicked and ran towards Yunlan. But before she could be of any help, Yunlan already got hit three more times, one time sharply in the leg. He crouched down. Cheng Li tried to help but they pushed her away strongly. She fell down and others put Yunlan in their car and drove away.

Shen Wei was standing motionless outside the venue where Yunlan left him. He was watching all the cars entering in front of him, but since he was standing at the middle of the venue so when a car was leaving the venue after making a circle, he couldn't see that. He could only see every car's back which were leaving .

Yunlan realised that and he started to rustle in the car. His mouth was already covered with a cloth, he couldn't make a sound. He was in the middle row of a black SUV trying to struggle his way out but he was surrounded by three men in the same row. Rest of four were equally divided into the front and back. They were still struggling to tie up Yunlan's hands as he was resisting like crazy. Then when he thought the car was finally there where Shen Wei could see the car's back, he threw his mobile phone somehow.

Shen Wei was standing nonchalantly, when he saw a phone dropped from a running car, not very far from him. He picked it up, thinking about contacting it's owner then he finally recognised the phone cover. No one has more bizzare taste in phone covers than Zhao Yunlan. Shen Wei instantly looked up, his eyes following the black SUV. He ran following it as fast as he can but lost it ultimately.

Here, Cheng Li tried to recover quickly and ran to inform his father stuttering. She went to his father and said breathlessly, pointing towards the exit, "Help... Please. Someone.. Yunlan.. Some people kidnapped Yunlan. "

Zhao Xin Ci roared, "What? "

Cheng Meng quickly went to check the CCTV cameras in the parking lot. happy Xin Ci followed him. After seeing what happened, everyone was tensed. Zhao Xin Ci called Shen Wei.
"What the hell are you doing outside??! Yunlan got kidnapped. Find him quickly. "

Shen Wei said, "Sir I was following the car, but I lost it. Sir it would be better to check the CCTVs in the roads, that way we can determine where they might have gone.... I remember the number plate. "

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