Chapter 8: Klendathu drop

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Above the planet, the star fleet is flying over the planet. Fighters are flying down to the planet as the ships continue flying. Inside one of them, the troopers are all ready for combat. The heroes are with them, and they all follow them to the hanger.

Captain on speaker: This is the captain speaking. All personnel, prepare for drop. We are at D-minus three and counting. 

The troopers and heroes all get inside the drop-boats. The heroes are with their friends on one of them. The doors close, and the officer looks at everyone as they all sit down. 

Officer: We are going in with first wave. Means more bugs for us to kill. You smash the entire area. You kill anything that has more than two legs. You get me?

All: We get you, sir! 

The drop-boats are preparing to launch. Everyone gets ready. Then, their safety equipment attaches to their shoulders, holding them in place. Sora and Johnny look at Dizzy and Kairi. They both give them thumbs up, and they both smile at them. Then, the drop-boats drop down, and fly down towards the planet. They fly down in high speed. Inside the drop-boat, Katrina is moaning nervously as the boat shakes from the speed. Sora and Johnny are holding on along with Ace and Riku. 

Officer: Remember your training, and you will make it back alive!

Kitten is retching, with Jaune. Kairi and Dizzy are panting from all of this. Shujumi and Yuu are howling in excitement. The drop-boats make it down to the planet. But as they're about to land, a drop-boat gets hit by plasma blast, and it explodes. The heroes hear the explosion outside, and pray that they don't get hit too. The safely equipment unattached from their shoulders, and they all get up while holding their weapons. Then, the boat lands, and the door opens. All the troopers, and heroes come out of it while yelling and shouting. 

Officer: Go, go, go!

The doors on the other boats open too, and they all run forward outside to start the invasion. The heroes follow Johnny, Dizzy, Ace, and their friends. Sora looks up in the air, and he sees the plasma blasts going up in the air, and heading into space above the planet. Then, the boats start shooting out flares, to send their location to the other boats. More boats are coming down. Sora is panting as he breaths heavily. All of the troopers are heading out. Then, the officer spots something ahead. 

Officer: Rockets up!

Ace: Rocket crew, move up! 

Everyone lays down on the ground as they see the bugs around larger bugs. They're called Plasma Bugs. Everyone watches as their abdomen swells up, and then, they launch plasma bursts. They all watch as they go up into the sky, and into space.

Riku: So, that's where they're coming from.

Kai: Guys, the fleet above us is getting tore apart by those plasma bursts. We've got to stop those things before they wipe out the ships above!

Officer: Roger that! Nuke 'em! Levy! Rico! Sora! Arc!

Ace: Heat 'em up!

Dizzy, Katrina, Kairi, and Winter help load up the nukes as rockets. Sora, Jaune, Johnny, and Ace have rocket launchers. They set them inside. 

Dizzy: Set. 

Jaune: Ready, aim...

Ace: Fire!

They all fire the nukes, and they launch at the bugs. 

Yang: Get down!

Everyone ducks behind cover as the nukes reach the bugs, and they all explode into pieces. Everyone covers themselves from the rubble and rocks. The officer stands up.

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