Chapter 80: Steel trap, Nercofear ascends

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Scene for Kingdom Hearts: Batman Forever.

With the heroes, they're with Red Hood, heading for the bank. As they head there, someone contacts him. Red Hood answers. It's Commissioner Gordon.

Gordon: Red Hood, Harvey's in the bank. He's killed two guards, and he's holding the third guard hostage. Batman's already gone inside. 

Red Hood: I'm on my way. And I got more backup. 

The heroes and Red Hood are on the rooftops, and they run across. They see the bank, and there's a hole in the side of the building. Red Hood frowns at this. 

Red Hood: You guys wait here. I'll call you all in when we need it.

Sora: Ok. Good luck.

Red Hood nods, and he jumps for the hole. Everyone down below sees him. He makes it inside. He hears Harvey Dent yelling. 

Harvey: Blast him! 

He looks, and sees Harvey's men firing at an elevator. He shakes his head at this. The bullets hit the doors, making holes as they go through. They stop firing as the elevator doors are now full of holes. 

Harvey: Open sesame. 

The doors open, and there's nothing. Heck, the elevator is not even there. The men look in confusion. And just then, Batman appears, kicking them down. Then, Red Hood jumps over Harvey. He lands in front of him.

Red Hood: You really thought it would be that easy, Two-Face?

Harvey growls, and runs off. Red Hood comes in, and helps Batman fight the thugs. They beat the crap out of them. Red Hood punches a thug in the face three times, and throws him down. He kicks another one down. A thug grabs Batman from behind, and holds him. Another thug is about to shoot him, but Batman pulls out a gadget, and shoots an electric shock at the thug, shocking him. Red Hood grabs the thug, and punches him in the face, making a pin clip get caught in his lips. He screams in pain. They both grab his arms, and flip him over. Red Hood then kicks him in the face, knocking him out. Batman then spins, and kicks the last thug down. Just then, another thug comes in, with knife gauntlets. They see him as he does poses. Then, he charges at them. Red Hood and Batman get ready, and then, they step aside. The thug screams as he's about to fall down the elevator shaft, but they both grab him from falling. Then, they both throw him at the shocking thug, and he gets shocked too as they both fall down to the floor.

Red Hood: Morons. 

They both run off, to get Harvey. They arrive at the safe. They don't see Harvey anywhere. And then, they hear muffled screaming. They both look, and see the third guard in the safe, mouth taped and tied. They both hop into the safe, and kneel down to him. Batman rips the tape off his mouth.

Guard: Ow! It's a trap!

As he yells that, Red Hood tries to stop the door from closing, but it's too late. The door slams shut, and the lock relocks. Red Hood grunts at this. They untie the guard, but then, the safe starts moving as it shakes. Then, it starts getting pulled. 

Guard: Oh, no!

They all slide down as the safe is being pulled out of the bank through the hole. A hook and chain is hooked to it, and carrying it out is a Stallion chopper. The crowd down below is screaming as they see this. The heroes all watch too. Just then, Harvey, who somehow got in the chopper, speaks through a speaker. 

Harvey: Attention, citzens of fair Gotham! (Laughs) When we open that safe, we'll have everything we ever wanted, enough cash to rain down upon fair Gotham, a glorious flood of chaos! And, of course, you, my boys...dead! (Laughing) 

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