Chapter 46: The Beast within

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Scene from Kingdom Hearts: The Incredible Hulk: Season 1: Episode 2: The Beast Within

Claudia then shows David, Roxas, and the heroes a lion in its pen. 

David: So, that's Androcles? I think he could definitely use a little anti-aggression medication. 

Claudia: Sad, isn't it? The king of beasts turned into a killer by supposedly civilized human beings. Wonder why we're not the ones in cages, sometimes. 

Sae: You find your own species a big disappointment, don't you, Claudia? 

Claudia: Usually. It's rare that I get a pleasant surprise. Like meeting an assistant keeper and a bunch of kids who are experts in bio-molecular structure. 

The heroes and David all chuckle at that. 

Claudia: David, it would be nice if you became my assistant. 

David looks at her, and looks back at the lion, who is growlng while eating something. She then leads them somewhere else in the zoo. As they walk, a man on the P.A. system speaks. 

Man on P.A. system: Ladies and gentlemen, the zoo will be closing in 20 minutes. Please proceed to the nearest exit. 

As they walk, Carl suddenly comes up behind them in his jeep. He stops beside them. 

Carl: Bradburn, Dr. Malone wants you and Roxas to help me with something. 

Claudia: Oh, it's ok. I've gotta go back and check on the new zebra anyway. I'll see you later. (Walks away)

Sora: Roxas, we'll go with her. We'll meet you back in her office.

Roxas: Ok. 

Carl: Hop in, I'll give you both a lift. 

They both get in, and he reverses the jeep, and they head back to the office. They enter Claudia's office, and Carl leads them to Elliot's cage.

Carl: It's Elliot. 

David: Is he okay?

Carl: Yeah. He just made a mess. 

He opens the cage door, and David and Roxas walk in. But they're surprised to see broken glass on the floor. 

Roxas: What the heck? 

David: Oh, my gosh. Carl, where did all the glass come from?

Carl: What's the difference? Just clean it up. 

As they look at it, they hear the door slam close. They turn around, and see Carl closed it. 

Roxas: Carl, what are you doing?

Carl: I'm sorry. Knocked it shut. I'll get the key. (Walks away to the door)

David: Wait, Carl. Hey, Carl, there's a key right there in the cabinet. Hey, Carl!

He ignores them as he walks out and closes the door. They both sigh at this, wondering what Carl is trying to do. Just then, they hear Elliot grunting. They turn around, and see him looking at them with anger in his eyes. They both start to nervous.

David: Elliot?

Elliot beats his chest with his hands, growling, and marches at them. 

Roxas: Whoa, Elliot. Relax, calm down. 

David: Easy, Elliot. 

They both back away from him as they circle around the cage.

David: Easy, easy, easy, Elliot. Carl!

Roxas: Elliot, easy. Relax. Carl! Somebody help us! Carl! 

Elliot continues growling, and beats his chest again as he keeps coming at them. David holds up the tied tire.

David: Elliot, Elliot, Elliot! 

Elliot beats the tire down, breaking the rope off. David and Roxas jump back in fright. He continues coming at them.

Roxas: Elliot, stop it! Relax. Just calm down. 

Elliot then hits them both. They both hit the bars hard. As they hold onto the bars, they look around, and they see the bottle of AGD-4, and sees it's half empty, meaning it's been used. 

David: Oh, my gosh.

Roxas: AGD-4...

Elliot hits them again, sending them on the other side of the cage. They groan, and land on the ground. The chimps in their cages are all screeching. David and Roxas start breathing heavily from the hits they took. Then, Elliot comes at them again. They both lift their heads, and their eyes turn white and red. Elliot stops, and tilts his head as he looks at them. Roxas is growling as dark circles come around his eyes. Elliot snarls, and comes at them. He hits them again, and sends them on the other corner of the cage. They're on their knees. Roxas continues growling, and his clothes disappears, and in their place, darker scales appear, along with two wings. His arms disappear too. He grows a bit as he changes. David's clothes start ripping as he starts to transform into the Hulk. His shoes also rip. They're both now the Hulk, and Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon. Elliot comes at them, about to beat them with his hands. They both roar as Hulk slams his fists into Elliot's stomach, sending him back. Red-Eyes roars as steam erupts from his mouth. Hulk comes at Elliot as he rips off the branch from the tree. Elliot growls, and hits the Hulk in the arm. Hulk gets more mad. Elliot picks up the branch, and uses it to hit Hulk, but Red-Eyes grabs it with his mouth. They're both snarling. Red-Eyes then pushes Elliot towards the door, and with his full strength, they break the door open. Hulk follows them out. They push down some stuff, and glass break as they hit the floor. Red-Eyes then lifts up Elliot as he holds onto the branch. Hulk help him out, and together, they throw Elliot towards the cabinet, and he lands on the floor. They both roar loudly. Elliot gets back up and looks at them. Hulk's ripped up shirt is still on him. Elliot sees the cabinet, and picks it up. He then throws it at them. Hulk then hits it away, and it lands on the office window, breaking it. Hulk then shoves away a desk, and picks up a huge cabinet, and throws it at Elliot. It misses, and lands beside him. He comes at them, and hits Hulk in the chest, but Hulk punches him away. Elliot then lands on wooden desk, breaking it in half as he lands on the floor. They both look at him as he rolls at the cage door. Hulk holds up his arms and roars at Elliot. Red-Eyes growls loudly at him too. Elliot gives up, and climbs back into his cage. They both continue growling at him. Just then, Claudia comes into the room. She stops in shock as she sees the Hulk and dragon. They both see her. Red-Eyes then charges at the exit door. He breaks the door and part of the wall. They both rush out of the building. Red-Eyes then takes off in the air, flying. He looks down, and sees Hulk running through the zoo, heading for the animals pens. He continues flying. With the heroes, they're heading for the office. But then, they see Red-Eyes in the air.

Namine: Oh, no! Roxas transformed again!

Momo: If he turned, David's probably turned again too! 

Sora: Come on, let's go after him! We've got to make sure he doesn't hurt anyone!

They all run to where Roxas is flying at. They hope that he'll calm down soon. And they hope that David didn't do too much damage. 

Here's the sneak peak of Kingdom Hearts: The Incredible Hulk: Season 1. Episode 2: The Beast within. I'm sure you'll all want to see how Roxas would do turn into Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon, I thought you'd all like to see he does. If you all want me to write more of the series on the sneak peaks, let me know. Let me know what you all think of the chapter. Vote, review, and comment. Thank you. 

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