Chapter 1: Bus nightmare opening

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Scene opening from Kingdom Hearts: A Nightmare on Elm Street 2: Freddy's revenge.

Sora is seen sleeping in his bed in the new advanced Gummi Ship. As he sleeps, a familiar evil presence is all around him as he's sleeping. He yawns, and continues sleeping. Then Sora begins to dream. In the dream, he's in a school bus. He looks around, all confused. He sees kids just sitting down on their seats, talking to each other or just messing around. He looks out the window, and sees they're driving in a neighborhood. It looks nice. The bus stops, and the driver lets out some kids at a stop sign. After he lets them off, he drives off for another stop sign. Sora looks around, and he's sitting next to a young boy, wearing light brown pants, blue shirt, and has comb hair. The driver comes to another stop, and he pulls over. He lets out more kids. Sora looks at the driver, and gets a bad feeling for some reason.

Sora: (Thinks) Why do I get a feeling that I've seen that man before?

The man makes another stop, and lets out more kids. The boy then looks at Sora, and Sora looks at him. Sora waves at him, and the boy shyly waves back. Right now, the two of them are the only ones left on the bus, except two long blond hair girls. They're both talking to each other while laughing.

Girl: No way. You're such a liar. I can't believe you!

Girl 2: (Looks behind, and spots Sora and the boy) Oh, no. Look behind us. 

They both look while giggling at them. Sora tries to avoid eye contact. He has Kairi, and the last thing he needs is another girl hitting on him. The boy is very shy. He checks out the window beside to see if it's locked. The two girls continue giggling. 

Girl: That one's for you. He's a live one.

Girl 2: Uh-huh. He's yours. (Looks outside) Oh, here's my stop. 

Sora looks outside, and sees a family waiting for the girl. But then...the bus begins to pick up speed. It drives past the family. 

Girl 2: Hey, driver! (Looks at him) Hey, driver, that was my stop. 

The bus picks up more speed as it speeds down the street. 

Girl 2: Driver, that was my stop!

Sora looks ahead, and sees they're speeding towards an open desert. The bus hits a curve, and it begins bouncing on the desert as it continues speeding. The bus goes down a hill as it heads for more desert. The kids on board look around, and begin to freak out. 

Girl 2: Where are we?

Girl: Driver, what's going on? Where we going?

Girl 2: Driver, what are you doing? Stop it!

The sky outside begin to darken as the bus continues speeding through the desert. Sora then feels an evil presence nearby. The girls start screaming as the young boy beside Sora is creeping out too. He looks at Sora, who is sweating. 

Sora: Driver, where are you taking us?! And you're going too fast! You're gonna make us crash if you keep doing this! 

Girl: He's right! Stop!

The driver ignores them, and continues driving. The front of the bus is steaming up as it picks up more speed. The girls start crying as they scream. The bus then makes a huge leap into the air, and it lands hard on the ground. The landing sends everyone off their seats, and the bus stops. Everyone gets back up as the girls continue crying. Sora looks at the driver, and sees he's laying against the steering wheel. 

Girl: What is he?

Girl 2: I think he's dead. 

Sora and the boy check out the window to see if it's unlocked, but as they tries to unlock, they realize it's stuck. And to their shock, the ground begins to open all around them. The girls see this too, and they both begin to freak out even more. They try to open their window too, but it's stuck. Then, the bus shakes, knocking the two girls down again. They both cry even more. The ground opens up even. Sora looks outside, and his eyes widen as he sees that the bus is being holed up by two long rocks. Lightning erupts everywhere as the entire ground is gone, and it is a long way down, meaning there's no way out. The young boy is banging on the window, whimpering. Sora is panting. They both look at the driver seat, and they gasp together as they see who it is. 

Girl 2: What's that? 

The driver stands up, revealing himself as a familiar killer that Sora met before. 

Sora: Krueger!

Yes, it is indeed Freddy Krueger, the nightmare killer that Sora and his friends defeated when they visited this world. Now, he's back. He laughs as he looks at Sora, and the kids. The two girls see him, and panic. They both get up from their seat, and back away towards the back. Then, the bus begins to tip backwards. Freddy laughs as he holds onto the poles. The kids all go forward to keep balance on the bus. The bus tips forwards, and holds still.  

Girl 2: (Sees Freddy coming towards them) Look! He's coming! He's coming!

Freddy is walking towards them. He scratches the seats with his blades as he walks by them. Sora tries to summon his keyblade, but he can't. They all back away again, and the bus tips backwards again. 

Girl 2: We've got to keep balanced! Balanced!

They all lean forward, and the bus lean forward to balance itself again. Freddy continues walking towards them as he scratches the seats. The kids and Sora all sit in the back seats, backing away as they can as Freddy is near them. He scratches the ceiling with his blades. The girls are crying and screaming as they lean against the boys. Sora and the young man just stare at Freddy in horror and shock as he's prepared to slash them with his blades. Freddy lets out a roar as he swings his blades at them. 

Then suddenly, Sora wakes up screaming bloody murder. He looks around, and he sees he's in his bed. He breaths heavily as he sweats. Then, Kairi and Riku come running in. 

Kairi: Sora?! Sora, are you okay?! We heard you screaming. 

Sora: (Panting) Guys...he's back...He's back...

Riku: Who?

Sora: Freddy Krueger...

Kairi: Freddy again?!

Riku: I guess he didn't learn his lesson the last time. 

Sora: (Panting) We need to go back to Springwood. Nancy might need our help down there to deal with him again. 

Kairi and Riku nod.They all leave the room to set coordinates for the world of Springwood. Looks like they're all going back to deal with the nightmare killer once again. Can they defeat Freddy Krueger again, or will they fall to his nightmare, and die for real?

Here's the sneak peak of the opening scene of Kingdom Hearts: A nightmare on Elm Street 2, Freddy's revenge. Coming soon. Let me know what you all think of the first chapter of the sneak peaks. Vote, comment, and review for me. Thank you.       

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