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"Thanks for the fun day Finn, I had a good time" I thanked him as we walked back to my dorm.

"Yeah, of course, I hope you got what you liked" he smiled

"I sure did, and I'll pay you back this Friday for the lunch - my parents will give me my allowance," I tell him he shakes his head "no worries, it's on me"

"Are you sure?" I cocked a brow he nodded "yeah, it's what friends do"

"Oh, thank you" I smiled softly opening the room to my dorm. I sat down on the bed and turned on my phone looking at the lock screen I saw the notification pop up, Finn sat down beside me wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

I looked down at my phone and saw the text was from Jack, "can we meet up?" I read out loud to Finn he kissed my cheek

"Who asked you that?" He wondered

"Jack did" I began typing back to him saying sure and where. He said he can come over to my dorm and we can talk in private, I said fine and told Finn to go while Jack comes over.

"It'll be quick," I say

"Alright" he got up walking out I waited for a few minutes before Jack knocked at the door, getting up I walked over and opened it. Jack came in quickly cupping my face.

"I'm sorry, okay, I think about you a lot and I want to be with you again. You and I were the best, you are the best thing to ever happen to me." He looks at me dead in the eyes. "I'm so hopelessly in love with you."

"Jack..." I mutter "if you love me, you'd want to see me happy right?"

"Yeah, of course" he leaned in kissing me softly, I grabbed his arms and pushed him back. "Then you'd let me go."


"You'd let me go, and you'd live your life without me in it. Jack we're too toxic to be back together and better off as friends - if even that. You were my comfort person but the damage has been done, I love you, Jack. But I can't bring myself to forgive you."

I lean in and kiss him one last time.

"I think we should just call it quits, for good this time. I've found someone who loves me unconditionally and not just when it's convenient for him, he cares about me." I tell him.

"And who's that?" He swallowed the lump in his throat, "who loves you more than me?"


There was a long pause before anything else, he stood there in shock, hurt and anger.

"You can't be serious."

"Yeah I am, and I want you to leave and not bother me anymore." I walk over to the door opening it "go."

"Please, just a hug or something." He begged teary-eyed he started to reach for me "Jack don't make this harder than it has to be." I cross my arms, he nods and leaves slowly I close the door and dial Finn.

"I did it."

"You got with him again?" He asked

"No, I broke up with him for good!" I exclaim "I wanna be with you, Finn."

"Ok I'll be there in a min" he hung up, I waited until he came into my dorm room I grabbed his face as we kissed. Smiling into it he picked me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist.

"I love you," he said into my lips, muffled I pulled away and smiled at him "I love you."

"I don't ever want to lose you." He says

I rest my forehead on his "and you won't."

Kissing him again passionately I felt more excited to begin this relationship with him more than I did with Jack. Maybe Finn was supposed to be my person, and Jack was just in the way.

Either way, I felt like I was in love all over again and it was the best feeling in the world, nothing could get in between us.

And I couldn't believe he was finally mine, I never thought this is how I'd end my high school and college experience. Not with the person, I started with, but that's ok.

Because I finally felt something other than that constant empty dead feeling.


Hello, I know I said there wasn't going to be an update to this story, but my OCD got the best of me! And a book should never go unfinished, sorry for the shitty ending. Perhaps I can make a prequel or a continuing book with just Finn? I'm not really big on writing about Jack anymore, but I'm just bored and want to write, you know?

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