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Being with Finn and all to poke at Jack's feelings is mean. But he deserves it, Finn has hinted that maybe forgiving him is a good thing to do and it has never made me think he would reach that level of maturity which I'm not complaining I mean, I can get used to this side of him.

"I'm bored" I sigh sitting back onto my bed Finn was laying down sideways with his legs dangled off the side.

"Same" he toyed with the laces on the hood of his sweater, I looked at him "remember our senior year."

"How could I forget?" He laughed "you had Jack and I fighting over you the whole time basically."

"Yeah well, we also hurt Jack by sleeping with each other." I say he props himself up by his elbows "so? What are you getting at?" He shook his head

"It's been on my mind, I mean we both knew it was wrong..."

"He hurt you so many times, his senior year was a mess. Both of you should just forgive each other and move on, either date or forget." He paused "moral of the story was; you both were toxic for each other."

"He changed a lot, that was three years ago. He's a lot better now than before"


Jack walks in with Cylia his arm wrapped around her shoulders both of their smiles wide as they giggled.

"Hey" I sat up with Finn his hand went on my thigh I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, gulping I glanced at Jack who is looking down at Finn's hand a slight glare he stared at us.

"Hey, we just got back from dinner" she moved the curls away from her eyes smiling non stop her and jack started kissing.

"Nice" I look at Finn he was already looking over at me, we both faked smiles Although neither of us spoke we both knew what the other was thinking.

He hasn't changed.

Cylia and Jack were just arguing the other day and now they are acting as if nothing has happened, this was a repeated cycle between him and me before...

"Bye" I walked Finn to the door he leaned in grabbing my face his lips pressed against mine ever so softly. I felt my face heat up, my hands snaked to the sides of his torso holding him.

Pulling away I blushed "bye" I bit my lip softly unintentionally he smirked before closing the door.

"you two are cute," jack says his face slightly red, he was trying to hide his emotions but it was too obvious what he is thinking.

"thanks" I walked over to the bathroom going into it, locking the door behind me I decided to have a quick shower then go to bed.

time skip

"hey" I woke up to Jack sitting on the edge of my bed, propping myself up I looked at him confused, seeing Cylia sound asleep on her bed I was even more puzzled


"Can we talk?" his voice was quiet "I know we have had our ups and downs but I just need to speak with you, alone"

"okay" I slowly lifted my covers off of me following him outside I closed the door behind me facing him, he licked his lips softly before speaking "I really miss you" he began "and when I saw you with Finn I felt my heartache, we've been harsh to each other in the past. We both are right for each other it was just the wrong time."

"Jack, you have Cylia. Treat her much better than you did, me" I turn towards the door, glancing back at her "just don't break her heart..."

"y/n" Jack put his hand on the doorknob holding it tightly he was inches away from my face I glared at him slightly, cocking my head to the side slowly. "what are you doing?" I hiss

"I only got back with Cylia to see if you would be jealous, but I didn't get the reaction I wanted from you." he admits I breathed heavily out of frustration, before speaking up "you need to let the thought of us being together, I moved on, so you need to as well."

he let go of the handle of my door "you moved on with my ex-best friend, and I still forgave you both after that."

"to be fair you messed around with so many girls during the period we dated so why should it matter?" I shot back "you dated a girl I didn't like right after we split, how do you think I felt at the time?"

"Ellie and I didn't even date, she was a friend"

"with benefits..." I rolled my eyes "goodbye jack"

closing the door behind me I locked it, he didn't open the door and try to come in so I'm guessing he left and went back to his place. sitting on my bed I felt my tears drip out of my eyes slowly streaming down my cheeks wiping them away as quickly as I could Cylia slowly woke up looking at her phone then the spot beside her where jack was before he left.

"hey" I murmured

"hey," Cylia croaked "where is Jack?"

"must've left"

"oh" she grabbed her phone and began to text on it, I couldn't let her find out I lied

"he and I got into a little argument so he got angry and left" I blurted out

she paused before looking at me "what did you two fight about?"

"our past..."

she nodded looking down, I could tell she knew exactly what it was and I really felt bad she doesn't deserve to go through this. her boyfriend bringing her into his past causing drama, I'm sure she wants an ex-free non-toxic relationship, but she won't get that with Jack.

no one does.

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