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I haven't spoken, wrote, texted or called him in three full years. I was sure he would've at least did one of those things.

but he didn't.

"How you feeling today?" my friend Melanie asked me, she's my only friend since I moved to Florida. and I hate it here I have no clue why I even agreed to come, oh right because my life was shit back at home.

I ruined every important relationship I had, except for Sophia  I's. She and I would skype every second day or so and share our life's apart from each other, Millie got a boyfriend, Finn works part-time and attending college, Sadie left the country to live somewhere in Australia and Noah moved out of state to go to Princeton, Gaten and Caleb all got girlfriend's as well so she was always alone.

There was one person I was dying for her to bring up because I didn't want to, and that was Jack. He was all I have thought about since I left, grief works in weird ways.

"huh? Oh, a little better. How about you?" I answer Melanie

"I'm good, my friend Alex was wanting to hang out tonight, can you help me with picking out a cute set from victoria secret?" she asks

"ugh, I don't get why you two don't just date already?" I sigh impatient with their actions of effection with each other but no progress of dating.

"well he isn't into the commitment yet, since his last one didn't work out so well - and I'm not ready for a relationship either it works out for us both." she tells me "why haven't you dated anyone? since I met you all you've been doing is watching sad soap operas and eat Doritos all day basically, live a little"

"it's not that easy for me," I say "a lot of things I've been thinking about lately..."

"like what?" she scoots closer to me on my bed

"stuff." I grumble I didn't want to talk about it with her, but it also could be slightly therapeutic and if I get my feelings out it might not hurt as much anymore. "it's about my ex back home, where I moved from"

"oh, what's their name?"

"jack, that's his name." I exhale deeply "we were pretty toxic but I know I love him, still after three years. he probably moved on though."

"well. talk to him, hit him up on social media be like; hey what's up I miss you lol bunch of random emojis, I don't know"

I laugh "you are so adorable Mel,"

"I know" she sits up straight puffing out her chest proudly "but for real, hit him up what's the worst that can happen?"

"you are right there" I point at her "maybe later though"


"want to go do something fun?" I ask she shrugs "like what?"

"i don't know, go to the mall? I'll help you pick out some cute pieces from victoria secret" i suggest, she agrees and we get ready and head to the mall.


"y/n, what do you think is this cute?" Melanie holds up a blue set piece of under garments to her body, i scrunch my nose "too light, try something red it'll pop."

"oh, ok" she goes and asks for assistance from an employee, i stand there waiting for her drinking a smoothie i got from the food court.

"i got a red one, do you like it?" melanie runs up to me showing me a red set just like the blue one she just had shown me, i nodded taking a sip from my smoothie "sure, get it"

"ok, thanks!" she hops off to the cash register and pays i wait again, then we both walk out of the store. "how was that?" she looks at me "why didn't you get anything?"

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