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"Come on, don't be shy" Finn laughed attempting to grab my hand while he walked me to my class.

"I'm sorry this whole 'couple' thing between us is weird since we've been problematic in the past," I admit

"It's okay, no one remembers or even knew except Jack and us" he assured "besides. It's in the past, who cares."

"Maybe you're right." I sigh holding his hand in mine he gave it a little squeeze smiling at me, I faked a small smile back.

"There she is" he whispered nudging his head in her direction trying to not be obvious "kiss me"

"What?" I hiss

"Kiss. Me." He said through gritted teeth picking me up I kissed him in hopes she saw, but the girl didn't even notice us.

"This is dumb, Finn I don't know why we even bother." I groan as he set me down wiping my lips I slap my hands against my sides.

"Hey. It's worth a shot alright" he mumbled, "I need to get her attention."

"Why don't you just approach her like a normal guy, if she saw us kissing she would most likely think you aren't available for her," I say

"Don't girls dig being jealous?" He raises a brow

"No!" I yell "look I gotta go, the class is starting I'll see you after." I clutch my bag straps and walk into the room he jabs his fingers into my side.

"Alright see you" he grinned at me walking away

"Bye." I waved and went to sit down, sitting beside the girl Finn was obsessed with I decided to take some of this into my own hands.

"Hey" I leaned towards her whispering "what's your name?"

"Huh?" She looked at me confused

"I said what's your name?" I repeated a little annoyed

"Oh, I'm Melanie," she says quietly "And you are?"

"Y/n" I smile

"Cute name" she looks me up and down I felt like she and Finn wouldn't have a chance after that.

"Thanks, I love your name"

She smirks and turns away from me again, I sat back in my seat not knowing if this girl was into guys or not. She was pretty but wouldn't go out with Finn if that's the case.



"Finn" I walk up to him after class is finished he turns to me from his group of friends.

"Hey," he hugged me "how are you?"

"I'm good, listen we need to talk alone" I frown slightly his face expression went straight and he nodded "I'll be right back guys," he tells his friends before leaving with me.

I bring him to my dorm room and we both sit on my bed "what is it?"

"I got that girl's name" I start "but, she may or may not like girls instead of guys..."

"Oh shit." He pouted his lips "here I was about to simp for her."

"Huh? Anyways, what are we going to do?"

"Uh, well we can break off this now. I don't think anyone even noticed us anyway" he says

"Alright, so we can go our separate ways now" I get off the bed "it's been one day can I have my $500?"

"Ugh fine" he rolled his eyes grabbing some cash from his bag and handing it to me

"Thank you" I swiftly grabbed it from him smiling cheerfully

"Yeah" he grumbled "I better go, don't want people seeing us together they might get the wrong ide-"

The door opened and in walked Cylia she looked at us both "Oh did I interrupt something?" She asked

"No," we both said

"Ok, I was just grabbing some of my books I gotta go to my next course already." She explains searching her side of the room for them

"Alright well Finn was about to leave, weren't you" I look at him he nods "Uh yeah, see you, girls." He leaves the room closing the door behind him.

"That's your boyfriend?" Cylia asks not looking up from her desk

"Uh no, well I didn't make it clear he is a boy that's my friend I haven't dated anyone since Jack..."

"Hmm." She stood up straight carrying her textbooks "I found them, now I'm going" she hurried out closing the door.

I didn't have any more classes for today so there wasn't much of anything else to do for me. Laying down on my bed I get a message from a random number.


I thought it was Finn so I texted to

-go away

But they texted again

-I just want to talk. Can I come over to your room?

I texted back


-Pleaseeee. It's urgent.

I gave in with a sigh I texted back

-fine, but after that it's official.

He didn't respond I waited for a knock and within five or so minutes there was one.

I got up and peeked through the peephole, opening the door I am almost facing to face with Jack.

"Hey" he was inches from my face, "can I come in?"

"Sure..." I murmured

He walked past me and sat on my bed, I closed the door and joined him "what do you need?"

"I broke up with Cylia."

"Yeah I know, she was crying about it," I say

"I want us to date again." His voice was serious I stared into his eyes "Jack, I-"

"Please." He begged taking my hands into his "I need to make this work, give me one more chance. Just one more."

"Jeez quit begging you look like a dog." I joked

"Y/n" he whined

"oh my gosh, ok can you let me think about it?" I sigh "it's a hard decision."

"I'm giving you an ultimatum." He got up off the bed "in the meantime you have a choice, because as much as I love you I won't wait for you to decide."

"How long is this ultimatum?" I wonder

"7 days."

"Okay" I agree "but don't expect that to make me say yes automatically"

"I won't" he grabbed the belt loops on my pants pulling me towards him "but I will do anything to convince you to consider" he kissed my head

"go, before I never speak to you again"

he left and I smiled slightly to myself, him being very aware I love when he does even the littlest affectionate gestures for me really gives me butterflies. After all those years us reconnecting felt like we never were separate, and I wonder if I should take him back...

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