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"What did he need?" I asked Cylia when she walked back to me

"He was just apologizing and wanted to make sure he and I were on good terms." She says

"He seems sweet" Kaitlynn says

"Sure" Cylia and I reply in unison with each other

"Let's go, we don't have much more lunchtime left before next class" I begin to walk

We arrived at the dorm I unlock it and walk in, Kaitlynn trailed behind as she looked around the room.

"It's cute" she gazed at the things on my vanity. "Who's these people?" She holds up a photo of Millie, Sadie and Sophia posing with me.

"My high school friends..." I say grabbing the photo from her she nods "nice, do you still talk with them?"



"Finn keeps texting you" Cylia looks over at my phone on the covers I grab it quickly replying to him.

He called moments after I did

"Hey, where are you?" He wonders

"I'm in my dorm. Why?"

"Can I see you?"

"Sure, I'm with Cylia and Kaitlynn," I tell him

"That's ok," he says "I'll be there in about five"



"Bye" I hang up

"Finn is coming over" I let them know walking over to my vanity grabbing my brush I run it through my hair, they nod "ok," Cylia says

"How is Jack? Is he rude as a boyfriend?" Kaitlynn wonders looking over at Cylia

"I'm just trying to cope with the break up right now, so if you could not bring him up that would be great." Cylia snapped


Finn opened the door walking in "hey" he smiled at me

"Hi" I set my brush down hugging him he kisses my cheek, I give him a look

"Oh?" He furrowed his brows "why can't I kiss you?"

"Just come" I walk with him outside closing the door behind us

"We need to stop acting like this relationship is real, I want to break it off. You-"

Finn sighs

"Finn, you have to remember this all started to get Melanie's attention. It wasn't for my benefit at all." I cross my arms

"Yeah, I'm kind of liking you for real now..." he admits sheepishly

My jaw dropped open I quickly shut it again, "are you kidding? You gotta be kidding me, Finn!" I push him slightly

"Why would you catch feelings especially for a slug-like me."

"You aren't a slug, I like you ok I can't change it. I'm just happy whenever I'm around you, I think you're also beautiful which is a bonus." He explains

"Okay, can we just stop arguing and go back into my room? I'm going to text you later about this." I point at him before pushing the door open.


"He's my ex for a reason, it wasn't something we wanted, we just needed it to happen!" Cylia yelled loudly

"Woah what is happening?" I walk up to them

"She's being obsessive and weird about Jack asking questions and bringing him up, like she has some little crush on him or whatever." Cylia glares at Kaitlynn

"I was just wondering, jeez you are so sensitive." Kaitlynn rolls her eyes a small smirk appeared across her lips

Finn and I look at Kaitlynn confused and I was pissed at how toxic she was being.

"Kaitlynn it was a mistake meeting you, please go," I say walking over opening the door

"I was just kidding around, gosh but okay." She scoffs walking out grabbing her little fluffy purse bag on the way out.

"I'm sorry Cylia" I hug her Finn joins in holding us both, "should we order Post-mates?"

"Sure" Finn and Cylia agree

"Ok" I grab my laptop pulling up the website then typing in our campus address.

"Let's get pizza?"

"Yeah" they nod

I order us all separate pizzas of our choices. Then some breadsticks and then ice cream for dessert (A/N: if you are lactose then insert dairy-free in front of the pizza + ice cream ok)

"Let's watch some good movies too" I suggest

"Can I choose?" Cylia wonders I nod letting her pick she gets excited

About 20minutes later the food arrives, I go and grab it from the door, pay, and thank the person who brought it.

"Ok here" I hand them their pizzas and sit down with mine.

We all eat watching Pulp Fiction, which is a good movie I enjoy it.

Finn grabs a breadstick putting it in my face "let me feed you"

"No" I smile "I don't want any breadsticks right now"

Finn shrugs then eats it "ok fine by me"

He really makes it harder for me doesn't he...

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 | 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now