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"Okay, I think this is enough clothes to at least change up your style. I think she will love it" I finish ordering the last pairs of pants for him off of some random indie clothing website.

"thanks" he looked at me smiling I smiled back "anyway, I gotta get back to studying and such so I think you should go."

"So soon?" he chuckled getting off of the bed "where will these clothes ship to?"

"my house"



"see you" he mumbled awkwardly walking out I sighed once the door was closed and was just me again, laying down on my bed I pulled my phone out clicking on TikTok I though maybe wasting some time on there would clear my head. which it did.

time skip

the rattle of keys going into the door handle stopped my binging of TikTok's I looked at the time to see multiple hours passed and I was not one bit productive since Finn left earlier in the afternoon. Cylia walked in and looked at me before going to her bed and flopping on it.

"boys suck." she wailed into her pillow gripping it with her hands

"Jack does suck" I tried making her feel better, she looked up from her pillow removing the strands of hair that laid in front of her face "it's not him. Just immature boys in my course, this is college not high school anymore."

"what did they do?"

"cat called my friend Millie..."


"Yeah, I just met her first class. She's nice."

"what's her last name?" I ask feeling anxiety rise

"Brown" she gives me a confused look "why do you know her?"

"Yeah, her and I used to be close" I look down at my fingers "I had no idea she went here"

"she told me her dad bought her way in here since other people she knows goes here and didn't want to be stuck alone at another school or something," she says

"hmm" I hum "must be nice to have enough money to do that"

"What happened between you two?" she asked

"My friend Finn, - who you met - liked me back in high school, she stopped talking to me out of jealousy and ever since then we haven't talked..."

"oh, I'm sure she's over it now" cylia tries to assure me but I doubt it "maybe.."

"I'm going to a party, it's at a fraternity if you want to come along you can" she offers

"sure" I get off my bed going to my closet I pick a casual outfit, cylia changes in the bathroom and I get dressed in the room quickly putting on some mascara and lipgloss I brush my hair and wait for her to get ready.

she throws on a hoodie that looked familiar I look at her puzzled and she shrugs "he never took it back"

"ah" I nod we both head out locking the door cylia and I run down the hall she grabs my hand for some reason dragging me across campus until we reach a mansion with greek lettering on the front of it.

"come on, you're so slow" she giggles pulling me up the stairs "I don't like running" I admit

"well we're here now" she smiles at me before walking in first, being greeted by some boys in crop tops and shorts that looked a size too small they offered us drinks and snacks but I denied.

the music blared and rumbled throughout the floorboards underneath me, I wanted to go home already but I couldn't just leave cylia she was enjoying the party. I watched everyone else have fun dancing, drinking, laughing and just having the time of their life listening to the awful music of some SoundCloud rapper blast through my eardrums.

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