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As the weeks went by Finn and I made our relationship look more realistic with each day of that came and went. I wasn't into kissing him in public or having his hand in my pockets when I faced him but he insisted that it would make it less suspicious.

I held his hand every once and a while while we walked around campus but that was about it. Cylia and jack were a well-known couple now, he was always over at our dorm every chance he got.


"Hmm" he looked at me

"Would you help me with a few things tonight? I gotta go back to my room and grab my supplies and books." I say

"Sure," he gave my hand a little squeeze "that's what fake boyfriends do right?"

"Yeah" I nodded

Arriving back at my dorm I unlocked it walking in on Cylia and Jack arguing, it was the first time I've witnessed it.

"So you aren't over y/n" she wiped her eyes right when they both looked over at Finn and me.

"What's going on?" I asked

Cylia crossed her arms sniffling the whites around her eyes were red and watery.

"I think we should just talk it out later." Cylia looked at Jack he was slightly confused "we aren't breaking up?"

"I'll text you later, go" she sat on her bed waiting for him to exit he looked at me before closing the door behind him.

"What did he do?" I walk and sit on my bed across from her she looked out the window. "He is still so obsessed with you."

It was quiet before any of us spoke, Cylia soon broke the silence. "He told me his feelings are mixed about you and have a lot of closure to do." She paused "but he still is into me, I told him he can't have us both."

"Well I'm not into him anymore" I lied "go and make up things right with him before he changes his mind and doesn't want anything to do with you"

"Okay" she got up and ran towards the door, I looked at Finn he had a slight frown on his face I shrug "what?"

"I know you well enough to read the expressions across your face. You were lying, I know you will always love Jack." Finn states "and if you want us to fake break up in front of him so you two can be together I'm fine with it."

"Finn, I can't just squeeze my way into his new relationship. What he and Cylia have is something we never had when dating, the way he treats her is way different from how he treats me. That's the first time they fought." I defend myself "and I'm not lying, I'm over Jack."

"Whatever you say, but I can read you like a vogue magazine." He raised his hands in defeat "anyway what do you need help with?"

"Oh right, my supplies and books." I grab them he turns and heads for the door before me I smile to myself as we leave the room, "I can help with those." He offers with a handout

"Thanks" I softly spoke handing a few of the books to him we both smiled, that was the first time it felt genuine. And I knew at that point it was time I maybe try and actually move on from Jack.

At least try. Like, TRY. Maybe? I will try ok.

"Where to?" Finn glances at me I walk ahead leading him towards the library "come on"

Walking towards the stairs I look back at Finn who was staring at me "why are you looking at me like that?" I laugh

"Just enjoying my girlfriend" he joked "watch your-"

I almost tripped on the steps stumbling back to my balance I felt the stairs rumble, looking at Finn he dropped the books in his hands to catch me but I didn't fall luckily.

"You okay?" He had his hands on my arms I nodded grabbing the pencil case of my other school supplies that had dropped from my hand when I almost fell.

"Yeah, thank you" I mumbled "I'll be more careful next time"

"Good," he said, "you could've fallen and cracked your head open."

I burst out laughing, he cocked his head to the side "what's so funny?"

"What you said" I calmed down walking up the last few steps we entered the library.

"Come," we found a quiet spot near the back of the library and sat down in the chairs in front of a table.

"Yo," Finn set my books down "what are we doing?"

"I need to take notes, can you help me sort through the assignments in my English class. I need Annotated Bibliography and audio biography, and case analysts."

He sighed "I suppose"

"Like a good boyfriend, you are" I smirked he shook his head with a small smile across his lips "you are something else."

"I'm me"

"Yeah, you are"


We spent a good two hours looking for the best audio biographies, and such before Finn complained about how tired he is. I agreed and we both packed up my things, he walked beside me yawning repeatedly.

"Finn are you really that tired?" I raised my brows looking at him he nodded "yes"

"Well, thank you for helping me with my work it means a lot" I smiled


"Yeah" I mumbled

It was around 9:30 o'clock at night before I crawled into bed. Cylia wasn't there when I returned so I let Finn sleepover, he joined me in my bed and we spooned I was little spoon of course. His embrace is warm and comforting, like Jack's sort of.

But not the same, as many guys I let spoon me or do anything I've done with Jack it will never feel the same. His touch will always have an effect on me that is unexplainable, and I hate myself for it.

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