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The past few weeks were ok, I attended my courses like expected of me. Cylia had Jack over almost every day, if they weren't sucking each other's faces off they weren't in the same room.

It was torture, but I was also happy for him. He found someone who made his heartbeat rate go up. In a good way, and as much as that broke me to see him with another girl I just love him enough to let it go.

Cylia giggles at her phone as she laid on her back with it above her head, I looked at her for a few seconds before going back into deep thought.

"Heyyy, how are you?" She spoke in sheer delight, I could only guess it was Jack on the other side of that phone call.

"So I was thinking we could meet up in your car?" She wonders and waits for a response I couldn't make out what the other person was saying but it made her smile.

She hung up on them and started to get ready "I'm going on my first date with Jack" she squealed jumping up and down.

My heart dropped, yes he's my ex but I didn't want him to ever be that to me. I guess I don't have a choice, "I'm happy for you two" I fake the cheerfulness in my voice

"Thank you, ah! I'm so excited" she exclaimed, "I have no idea what to wear oh my."

"I'm sure he would love what you're wearing right now" I look at her outfit it was a hoodie too big for her and some shorts with long crew socks.

"This is Jack's hoodie," she tells me picking at the sleeve hems, I nod slowly "cute"

"Yeah, he always gives me his hoodies I-" her phone rings cutting her off she grabs it and answers.

"Hey, mom, what is it?" She paused "I can't come right now I'm going out with some friends." She lies

"No mom, it's like a study group I just call them friends. I can't go, no, mom listen..." she continues "okay, fine I'll be out there in a couple of minutes. See you bye love you."

She sighs tossing her phone on her bed "I gotta go, my mom needs me right now."

She runs out of the room I sit down at my desk and open my textbook reading some notes and studying, a few minutes later there's a knock at the door.

I get up thinking Cylia forgot her key and needed something so I open it without saying a word or peeking through the peephole.

"Hey, babe-" Jack flinched at the sight of me surprised I gave him a 'what' look. "Cylia isn't here."

"Where is she?" He asks "I'm supposed to get her for our date and I couldn't wait much longer."

"Well, she isn't here. Had to help her mom or something." I was about to close the door but he stopped me from doing so.

"I'll wait here for her to return." He walked in past me sitting on her bed I stood there crossing my arms.



"Why don't you just call her?" I suggested

"Right." He grabbed his phone dialling her number the ring came from her comforter where she tossed her phone before.

"She left it..." he mumbled grabbing it from the sheets "well I guess I'll wait until she returns."

"Can you bug someone else while you wait?" I desperately beg "I need to study."

"That's strange" he laughs I narrow my eyes at him "what?"

"You studying."

"Whatever." I grumble "go ruin someone else's life"

"Ruin? Who's life did I ruin?" He questioned

"Mine! You ruined my life." I snapped "and you were a mistake to me, everything between us should've never happened."

"Oh I'm sorry, I ruined your life? What about me? The whole time we dated you never went to any of my games, I had no one cheering me on that I actually wanted." He got up off the bed "you talk about me ruining your life but you did my doing wrong just as much as I did."

"Fuck you." I spat

"I fucking hate you." He picked me up throwing me on the bed getting on top of me "but you being mad turns me on." He said into my neck pressing his lips against it.

Shivers sent down my spine as I gripped his hair "Jack, this is so wrong. You're with Cylia."

He stopped grabbing my face "I love her but I love you more, I'm attached to you and can't seem to get rid of my feelings no matter how hard I try."

He kissed my nose lightly "three years and I'm still so I love with you. I tried hiding it but it's hard."

"Jack, I can't do this while you're dating someone else." I whisper "I love you, with all my heart. But I can't... you're being what I accused you of."

He got off of me "I'm sorry I get it, I never cheated on you."

"That I know of" I sat up beside him he looked at me "I swear, y/n. I never cheated on you. I put my life on that."

"Okay." I bite my lips "but you should probably leave, I can't let you attempt to do that again."

"Why would you say that" he got up "you really think we'd ever to get back together?"

"No, but you thinking it's ok to treat Cylia like that makes me wonder if you were genuinely into me the whole time we were something." I explain "besides I know we had some sort of feeling towards each other or else we would've never dated, however, we are toxic together."

"You're right, I should leave." He got up heading for the door "but I'll see you around."

"Ok.." I mumbled watching him leave

Third-person perspective:

Jack didn't realize how much he missed her until he saw her again in person after those few years apart.

And it was making him have second thoughts.

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