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"Hey honey" my mom walked into my dorm bringing a box with her she set it on my bed crawling up sitting beside it.

"Hi," I say softly

"How have the first few weeks been?" She rubbed her hands together eager for my response.

"They've been seemingly ok" I lie "and my roommate is nice"

"Oh, what's her name?" She wonders


"Can I meet her? Dad is planning on stopping by later he wanted to see you and bring some food." She tells me

"What's in the box?" I ask

"Oh! Some more of your clothes I found while unpacking so I thought why not bring them over and visit as well." She laughed slightly opening the box with me looking inside.

"Thanks, mom" I hugged her the door opened breaking our hug we both looked to see Cylia and Jack walk in together.

"Uh-" my mom looked at me shocked then back at them "my gosh Jack, is that you!"

"Hi Mrs. L/n how are you?" He was enthusiastically talking while he hugged my mom "it's been a while!"

"Yeah, so I guess you met y/n's roommate? Will I be seeing you this weekend for our family dinner?" She asks Jack

He looks at me before looking back at my mom "Oh, I'm actually busy and uh y/n didn't tell you she and I aren't dating?"

"I mean yeah, but I thought you would've worked things out- it's all good! I should get going, a lot of unpacking, it was good seeing you - and your friend" she pointed at Cylia and walked out I could tell she was embarrassed by her misunderstanding.

"I'm sorry she thought we were together even though I said we weren't..." I got up off of my bed

"Oh no it's ok," they both said in unison.

"Umkay." I folded my fingers together walking towards the door "I'll be back later."

Without another word I closed the door leaving and going for a walk, hopefully, I'll be fine by the time I return and jack will be gone.

Walking in the courtyard of the college I see Finn walking here too, he had his headphones in but before I could hide from him he spotted me.

"Hey!" He jogged over to me I rolled my eyes sighing "yes Finn."

"How are you?"

"I'm fine." I walk faster away from him but he follows my pace "I just wanted to check in on you, see how things are."

"Oh great, I mean not like you ruined my relationship for your own selfish reasons. You never cared did you?" I hissed looking at him he frowned "I was very immature, alright."

"Pff, tell me about it." I turn away from him walking away but the guy can't leave me alone.

"Hey. Just listen to me" he stopped me by grabbing my arm, I turn and look at him "what?"

"I need your help."


"With this girl I like, I want her to notice me and she takes the course you're in." He says

"What's her name?"

"I don't know it, I just have seen her walk into your course."

"Have you been watching me?" I asked glaring at him he paused before speaking "Uh, yeah sort of..."

"That's not scary at all," I say sarcastically "so have you followed me to my dorm room?"

"No, I'm not that crazy" he exclaims "I just saw her and also saw you and sort of just watched the both of you whenever you entered the course you take."

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 | 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now