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I was jerked awake to movement on my bed, turning around slightly I see jack laying beside me sleeping I look at the time on my phone seeing it's 6:01 in the morning, not really wanting Cylia to wake up especially not to me and Jack in the same bed.

"HEY. PSST." I shook Jack's shoulder lightly tapping his face he slowly opened his eyes sleepily he grabbed onto me bringing me closer to him I let out a deep breath "Jack you gotta go"

"five more minutes" his groggy morning voice was muffled in my neck, I never noticed how much I missed his touch. It made me feel tingly all over my body mostly around my neck where he spoke into. "okay, fine" I gave in.

Cylia started moving around in her bed, I looked over where she laid and patted Jack "she might wake up."

"Just let me sleep a little longer." He said loudly that woke Cylia up she held her head I could tell it was a migraine.

Getting up off of my bed I handed her the water and an aspirin tablet she took them both, her eyes closed still as she groaned and moaned over her hangover.

"It's ok, I'm here" I softly say to her sitting on the edge of the bed she snuggled her pillow going back to sleep again.

I sighed of relief "okay, I think it's time to get up now, Jack"

He rolled over facing away from me towards the wall, I shook my head walking over to him he went dead weight so I wouldn't be able to try and move him.

"Come on Jack" I begged quietly pushing on his back "you can't be in here-"

The sound of my phone ringing cut me off I look to see it's Finn calling, answering it I left the room holding my phone up against my ear.


"Hey" Finn greeted "I didn't wake you did I?"

"No, you didn't I was already up." I laugh "what is it?"

"Can I come over?" He wonders "I mean if it isn't too weird I just need to talk to someone."

"I'm kind of just getting up I haven't gotten ready yet, maybe later? Today is looking busy."

"Yeah, that's ok"

"Bye" I quickly hung up letting my phone drop beside me I look over at Jack

"Alright, buddy get up" I pat his back and ruffle his hair he groans "what time is it?"

"Time for you to go" I climb over him going over to my closet I grab some clothes and a towel "I'm going to shower, just please be gone by the time I'm out"

"It's so early" he looked at his phone "why do I gotta go again?"

"So" I point at Cylia "she doesn't see us."

"Oh" he pouts "I don't want to leave"

"How about I walk you back to your place," I say grabbing a hoodie and throwing it on

He nods getting up I grab my keys and lock the door on the way out, Jack looks at Cylia before we leave.

"You sure she's going to be okay?" His face filled with worry

I felt jealous thinking that he might consider taking her back but also would be happy for him if that is what he wants.

"Yeah, she will be fine I'll look after her when I get back." I assure "don't worry too much ok"

"Ok," I mumbled

We arrived at his place after walking halfway across campus he turned to me before leaving without saying a word.

I walked back home, it was really cold outside and I was only wearing shorts with a random hoodie I grabbed.

"Hey" I softly spoke after walking into the dorm room seeing Cylia finally awake relieved me. "How are you?"

"I'm good, but my head hurts" her voice was a bit raspy

"Here" I handed her the water I got last night "it's for you"

"Thanks" she smiled mildly taking the cup and downing it, I smiled "better?"


"Do you have class today?" I ask

"Yeah, but I'm not going," she tells me "I don't feel so well."

"That makes sense, I'll be going to my class," I say getting up from the floor "I gotta leave in like half an hour or so"

"Okay," she covered up again and snuggled into her blankets


The class was finished so I'm going to go back to my dorm, maybe stop by the cafe on the way back.

"Hey" Finn jogged up beside me I turned to look at him "yes?"

"Can we talk?" He asked

"Depends on what it is," I say

"Don't act like what we were going to discuss before." He rolled his eyes

"I'm not sure what you mean Finn" I played cluelessly he wasn't here for it though "god damn, never mind!" He threw his hands up in defeat walking away

"Finn I was joking!" I laughed looking at him he stopped and turned my way "are you sure?"

"Yes." I hold my pinky out "I promise."

"Okay." He links our pinkies

"Come on back to my room" I nod my head in direction of it we walked back there I opened the door going in first.

"Hey y/n-" Jack got up off of my bed he saw Finn behind me and his face dropped.

"Jack what are you doing here?" I said through clenched teeth, nervously laughing I glanced at Finn.

"I was about to leave" Jack smiled "just checking up on my girlfriend"

"Oh, so you two are dating again? Nice well I was hoping my boyfriend-" I point at Finn "and I would've had the room to ourselves."

"You two? Dating? That's not new news now is it" jack laughed

"We-" Finn began

I grabbed Finn's face bringing him towards me pressing my lips against his, I stayed that way for at least five seconds before pulling away from him.

"You were saying?" I smirked lightly at Jack

"Well, see you beb" he waved to Cylia before leaving

I looked back at her and she shrugged "I honestly didn't know we were back on again he came back to see you."

"I know but he's being difficult, you two are better off together." I knew it was slightly a lie, we both could fit being in a relationship with him but I just can't fathom how he treats Cylia.

It makes me jealous but also happy for them.

"Soooo." Finn clapped his hands together

"Go" I pushed him outside closing the door behind us once I was in the hallway too "let's make one thing clear: we are not dating."

"What? Then why did you kiss me-"

"Fake dating."


"Yes. Don't mention it to anyone, if they ask we're together for real." I sternly say

"I'm good with that." He smiles

"Great" I kiss his nose "let's make it believable."

𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐤𝐞𝐧 | 𝙅𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝘿𝙮𝙡𝙖𝙣 𝙂𝙧𝙖𝙯𝙚𝙧Where stories live. Discover now